Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants with certain disputes about financial products and services.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to: 

  • Negotiate or engage in internal dispute resolution, with the provider of the financial product or service, where:
    • the dispute involves unfair conduct or practices, or
    • the contract was entered into in the context of the applicant’s experience of domestic and family violence or elder abuse
  • negotiate with the insurance provider about an insurance dispute arising from disaster, and/or
  • make a complaint to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission about unfair conduct or practices.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have certain disputes about financial products and services.  

Early Resolution Assistance is available to complain to and attend conciliations at the Australian Financial Complaints Authority: 

  • where the dispute involves unfair conduct or practices
  • where the contract was entered into in the context of the applicant’s experience of domestic and family violence or elder abuse, or
  • insurance disputes arising from disaster.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have certain disputes about consumer goods and services.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to: 

  • negotiate or engage in internal dispute resolution with the supplier or manufacturer of a good or service, where:
    • the dispute involves a breach of consumer guarantees, unfair conduct or practices
    • the purchase was made in the context of the applicant’s experience of domestic and family violence or elder abuse
  • make a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading or the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, where the dispute involves unfair conduct or practices.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have disputes about consumer goods and services.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to complain to and attend conciliations at an Industry Ombudsman, where:

  • the dispute involves a breach of consumer guarantees, unfair conduct or practices, or
  • the purchase was made in the context of the applicant’s experience of domestic and family violence or elder abuse.