Our history

Legal Aid NSW

  • We were established in 1979 and were previously known as the Legal Services Commission and the Legal Aid Commission of NSW before being renamed Legal Aid NSW in 2006.
  • We work in partnership with private lawyers who receive funding from us to represent legally aided clients. We also work closely with community legal centres, the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) and pro bono legal services.
  • We help people and improve access to justice through initiatives like our Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Program, which partners with other agencies to identify and solve unmet legal needs for vulnerable people.
  • We support and administer funding for the state’s 29 Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services and 32 community legal centres.
  • We collaborate with other agencies providing social and support services to people experiencing disadvantage, helping us to address clients’ legal and non-legal needs.

LawAccess NSW

  • LawAccess NSW was established in 2001 to create a single entry point for people needing legal help in NSW. It became part of Legal Aid NSW in 2020.
  • LawAccess NSW works collaboratively with community legal centres, the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association and other services to connect people with the right service at the right time.


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