Our Gosford office is currently closed to the public. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. You can still contact the Gosford office by phone on (02) 4324 5611 or by contacting LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
We work closely with other organisations and services to ensure clients receive the most appropriate services to help resolve their particular legal needs.
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
This page has information about Community Legal Centres (CLCs), including funding arrangements.
This page has information about the Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program and has links to the 12 regional justice partnerships in NSW that the program supports.
This page has information about the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program (WDVCAP), including who the program helps and a list of locations where the service operates.
This page has information about Health Justice Partnerships that Legal Aid NSW has established with health and welfare agencies to provide on-site legal assistance to vulnerable people