Our organisation

The long-term strategic direction of Legal Aid NSW is overseen by Our Board, appointed by the Attorney General.

The day-to-day management is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO is assisted by a Senior Executive.

For more information, see our Annual Reports.

Senior Executive members

Portrait of Monique Hitter, Chief Executive Officer

Monique Hitter

Legal Aid NSW CEO

BSW Dip Law

Monique began working as a community lawyer at Marrickville Legal Centre, and has worked as a lawyer in both the government and private sector. She developed the Cooperative Legal Services Delivery Model in 2004 and established new programs in the Civil Law Division for older people, prisoners and homeless people. Monique was appointed Chief Executive Officer in July 2022.

Portrait of Michael Brodie, Director, Finance

Michael Brodie

Director, Finance


Our Director, Finance has responsibility for the budget for our whole organisation.

Portrait of Jane Cipants, Director, Client Service

Jane Cipants

Executive Director, Client Service and Public Engagement

BSW, M Social Policy, EMPA, GAICD

Jane commenced as Executive Director, Client Service and Public Engagement in 2023. She has many years of experience working in or for the legal assistance sector, including 11 years managing a community legal centre. Her earlier career was in social work in the mental health sector.

Portrait of Jocelyn Flanagan, Director, Grants

Jocelyn Flanagan

Director, Grants


Jocelyn commenced as Director, Grants in April 2018.

Portrait of Wayne Gale, Director, Information and Communications Technology

Wayne Gale

Director, Information and Communications Technology

BA (Computing) MCom (Accounting)

Wayne was appointed to his position in January 2007. Wayne’s career in information technology spans 29 years including senior roles both in the private sector providing information technology services and solutions to Government, as well as working in the government sector.

Portrait of Robert Hoyles, Director, Criminal Law

Robert Hoyles

Executive Director, Criminal Law

EMPA, LLB (Hons), BA (His, Pol, Phil), Acc Spec (Crim Law), GAICD

Rob was appointed Executive Director in 2023 and Director of Criminal Law in 2021. He is an accredited specialist in criminal law and holds an Executive Master of Public Administration from ANZSOG. He has previously held many roles within Legal Aid NSW including EAGP Project Lead and Solicitor in Charge, Indictable Team. He was the inaugural Solicitor in Charge of Legal Aid NSW’s Port Macquarie office in 2014 and previously worked as criminal defence lawyer in Sydney private practice, with the Aboriginal Legal Service and in four regional Legal Aid NSW offices. He commenced his career as Researcher of NSW Court of Appeal. He is presently appointed to the NSW Law Society’s Criminal Law Committee and Specialist Accreditation Advisory Committee for Criminal Law. In 2008, he represented Australia in the Lawyers Cricket World Cup in Hyderabad, India.

Portrait of Michelle Jones, Director, Human Resources

Michelle Jones

Director, Human Resources

Dip Community Organisations, BA Community Management, Grad Cert Adult Ed (Community), M Public Administration

Michelle commenced at Legal Aid in 2009. Prior to working at Legal Aid NSW Michelle worked in the finance, non-government and legal assistance sectors.

Michelle commenced as Director, Human Resources in December 2019.

Portrait of Meredith Osborne, Director, Civil Law

Meredith Osborne

Executive Director, Civil Law


Meredith commenced as Executive Director, Civil Law in 2023.

Portrait of Cherie Pittman, Acting Director, Legal Services

Cherie Pittman

Director, Legal Services, and In-house Counsel

BA (Hons), Grad Dip, InfM LLB (Hons)

Cherie Pittman acted in the role of Director Legal Services from November 2021 and was appointed to the role of Director Legal Services and In-house Counsel in August 2023.

Portrait of Kimberley Wilson, Director, Aboriginal Services

Kimberley Wilson

Director, Aboriginal Services


Ms Wilson was appointed to this newly created role on 8 June 2022.

Portrait of Trent Wilson, Executive Director, Digital Transformation

Trent Wilson

Executive Director, Digital Transfomation

B Comm, MBA
Portrait of Koshala Nishaharan, Director, Enterprise Project Management

Koshi Nishaharan

Director, EPMO


Koshi commenced in the new role of Director, Enterprise Project Management Office in January 2023 after five years of managing the Strategic Plan for Legal Aid NSW. Koshi has experience in Governance & Assurance, Implementation and Reviews in both the public sector and private sector. Koshi oversees Legal Aid NSW’s five-year strategic plan and is accountable for governance of strategic projects and ensuring they are set up for success with real benefits. Koshi also manages the capital budget of Legal Aid NSW.

Portrait of Katie Kelso, Deputy Director, Family Law

Katie Kelso

Deputy Director, Family law

LLB, Diploma of Legal Practice, BA Comm

Katie was appointed as the Deputy Director of Family Law in 2023. She has previously held many roles within Legal Aid NSW including Solicitor in Charge of the Domestic Violence Unit and Solicitor in Charge of Care and Protection. She is presently appointed to the NSW Law Society’s Children’s Issues Committee.

Key legislation governing our work

Our organisation is established under the Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 (NSW). This Act establishes Legal Aid NSW as an independent statutory body with a mandate to provide effective, efficient and economical legal services that are available and accessible to disadvantaged people in NSW.

The Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (NSW) provides a framework for employment and workforce management. We have complied with the Act and introduced a performance planning and staff development system.

The health and safety of people in our workplace are managed in accordance with section 19 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW).

Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 (NSW) and the Public Finance and Audit Regulation 2015 (NSW).

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