Our Gosford office is currently closed to the public. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. You can still contact the Gosford office by phone on (02) 4324 5611 or by contacting LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
If you have a legal problem in NSW, Legal Aid NSW is here to help you.
Legal Aid NSW resources
Being chased for money
This guided pathway explains what you can do if you are being chased for money, based on the responses you provide.
Problems with utilities
This guided pathway explains what you can do if you have problems paying your electricity, gas, telephone or internet bills, based on the responses you provide.
Recovering money
This guided pathway explains what you can do if you someone owes you money, based on the responses you provide.
Unpaid Council rates
This guided pathway explains what you can do if you have problems paying your council rates or if you have overdue rates, based on the responses you provide.
Forms - My money
This page has the instructions, sample forms and other documents in this topic.