Find out more about how to apply for an AVO if you are experiencing, or have been threatened with, physical violence, intimidation, harassment, stalking, or property damage.
If you have a legal problem in NSW, Legal Aid NSW is here to help you.
Domestic Violence Unit
This service is a specialist team working together to provide advice, representation, referrals and support to clients who have experienced domestic and family violence.
Getting more help
This page lists organisations and services that can help with an Apprehended Violence Order.
Legal Aid NSW resources
Are you applying for an AVO?
This brochure has information for applicants and persons in need of protection about Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO's) and what happens after the AVO application is made.
Is someone asking the court to make an AVO?
This brochure has information for defendants about going to court for an Apprehended Violence Order.
Got an AVO? How to stick to your order
This brochure has information about the conditions of an Apprehended Violence Order and tips for defendants on how to stick to the orders.
Domestic and family violence
This topic has information about the support available for victims of domestic and family violence.
Victims of crime
This page has information for victims of crime in NSW and how to access counselling and financial assistance.
Forms - AVOs
This page has the instructions, sample forms and other documents in this topic.