Who we are

Legal Aid NSW

  • Legal Aid NSW is a state-wide independent government agency that helps people in NSW with their legal problems.
  • Legal Aid NSW provides legal information to anyone with a legal problem in NSW through our legal information and referral service, LawAccess NSW.
  • Our lawyers provide legal advice and representation at court to people who are eligible. Eligibility depends on the kind of legal issue you have, and your circumstances.
  • We support people with all kinds of legal problems. We help with criminal law matters involving the police, family law matters involving children or a relationship breakdown, and civil law matters where you are having trouble with a fundamental need like housing, income support or access to health and disability supports.
  • We are the largest legal aid commission in Australia and employ over 1,600 staff.
  • We provide legal advice and representation across NSW through a network of 25 offices, two satellite offices and a large number of outreach locations.

LawAccess NSW

  • LawAccess NSW is a free information service run by Legal Aid NSW. We provide legal information and referrals for people with a legal problem in NSW.
  • If you are going to court, have a legal problem or a question, LawAccess NSW can help you.
  • LawAccess NSW can connect you with the legal information you need over the phone, through webchat or online. Our website’s ‘My problem is about section’ includes information on lots of legal topics and can help you solve a range of different legal problems.
  • LawAccess NSW can book an appointment for you at your local Legal Aid NSW office if your circumstances and your legal issue meet our criteria.
  • LawAccess NSW can support you to access services in your area who can help you with your legal problem. We can refer you to a lawyer, a community legal service, the Aboriginal Legal Service, or a range of other services.
  • Anyone who has a legal problem in NSW can contact LawAccess NSW for legal help. We can answer questions on all areas of the law and can also refer you to other services if you need them.
  • Access our web chat service on our website by clicking the 'Chat with us' button on the right or call us on 1300 888 529 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).


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