Our Gosford office is currently closed to the public. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. You can still contact the Gosford office by phone on (02) 4324 5611 or by contacting LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
If you have a legal problem in NSW, Legal Aid NSW is here to help you.
Human Rights Group
This service provides free legal advice, assistance and representation to eligible clients with human rights problems.
Respect At Work Legal Service
This service provides free holistic and trauma-informed legal services to people who have experienced sexual harassment and/or discrimination in the workplace.
Legal Aid NSW resources
Discrimination Toolkit
This toolkit explains legal and non-legal option for people who have experienced discrimination, or community workers, advocates, and lawyers helping clients facing discrimination.
Stop public threats
This website gives information about the laws in NSW that protect you if you experience public threats of violence or incitement to violence.