Fee Scales

Fees payable from 1 July 2023 (State) and 1 July 2024 (Cth)

Welcome to the Legal Aid NSW fee scales for State and Commonwealth matters.

  • Rules applied to the Legal Aid NSW Fee Scales

    These are the rules that apply to Crime, Family and Civil Fee Scales

    1. All fees rates published on the Website are quoted GST exclusive
    2. Court attendance is paid at a maximum 5 hours per day
    3. Waiting time is not payable and cannot be claimed
    4. Counsel cannot be briefed without approval
    5. No fees will be paid without approval
    6. No disbursements can be incurred without approval
    7. Additional preparation paid at relevant hourly / daily rate
    8. All fee scales must be read in conjunction with the relevant guidelines.
Crime fee scales

Crime fee scales

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Family fee scales

Family fee scales

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Civil fee scales

Civil fee scales

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Fees for all law types

Fees for all law types

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Guidelines for all law types

Guidelines for all law types

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Archived fee scales

Archived fee scales

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