Education, health and disability supports

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have disputes about decisions of the National Disability Insurance Agency.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to:

  • seek an internal review of a decision of the National Disability Insurance Agency.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have disputes about goods and services purchased with NDIS funding.

Extended Legal Assistance is available where there is a dispute involves a breach of consumer guarantees, unfair conduct or practices to:

  • negotiate a resolution with the provider, and/or
  • make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, NSW Office of Fair Trading or Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have disputes about essential health care.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to applicants in custody to:

  • negotiate access to essential health care with Justice Health, other health care providers or a Correctional facility
  • make a complaint about access to essential health care to the NSW Ombudsman or the Health Care Complaints Commission.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants whose access to essential health care has been denied because of unlawful discrimination:

  • by negotiating with a health care provider.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants whose access to essential health care has been denied because of unlawful discrimination.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to complain to and attend conciliations at:

  • Anti-Discrimination NSW, or
  • the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants who are in custody to attend conciliations at:

  • the Health Care Complaints Commission.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who are children or young people with disputes about access to primary or secondary education.

Extended Legal Assistance is available:

  • where an applicant’s access to primary or secondary school education is curtailed in circumstances that give rise to an unlawful discrimination complaint, to:
    • negotiate with the school, or
    • make a complaint to the NSW Department of Education
  • where an applicant is in Out of Home Care or lacks a parent or guardian to advocate on their behalf and a decision of a primary or high school principal to expel, suspend or to use restrictive conditions which impact on the child or young person’s access to school education, to:
    • negotiate with the school, or
    • appeal to the Local Education Office or the NSW Department of Education.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants who are children or young people whose access to primary or secondary education has been curtailed because of unlawful discrimination.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to complain to and attend conciliations at:

  • Anti-Discrimination NSW, or
  • Australian Human Rights Commission.