Dignity, equality and self-determination

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have unlawful discrimination complaints.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to:

  • negotiate the resolution of an unlawful discrimination complaint.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have unlawful discrimination complaints.

Early Resolution Assistance is available to complain to and attend conciliations at:

  • Anti-Discrimination NSW, or
  • the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Note: For disputes about discrimination in the workplace, see employment disputes in Income and Entitlements.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants to make complaints about their treatment by NSW Police which raises allegations of misconduct.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to make a complaint to the:

  • NSW Police Force
  • Law Enforcement Conduct Commission.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who have disputes about their Out-of-Home Care.

Extended Legal Assistance is available:

  • to seek changes to a young person’s living conditions or behavior management with the Department of Community and Justice (DCJ) or the Out of Home Care provider
  • to make a complaint to the NSW Ombudsman or Office of the Children’s Guardian
  • where a young person is leaving care, to negotiate:
    • a leaving care plan, and/or
    • access to aftercare financial assistance and supports, and/or
    • request DCJ to undertake an audit of the young person’s legal file
  • make submissions to the Office of the Children’s Guardian to obtain a Working with Children Check.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to eligible applicants who are subject to financial management and/or guardianship to ensure the applicant’s affairs are managed in their interest and in the least restrictive manner.

Extended Legal Assistance is available to:

  • negotiate for the applicant to gain greater self-determination in decisions that affect the applicant
  • negotiate to resolve errors in the administration or management of their affairs
  • apply to the NSW Trustee and/or Public Guardian for an internal review of a decision regarding financial management and/or guardianship.

Note: Applications for the revocation or variation of financial management or guardianship orders or instruments including Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship, are covered under grants of aid.