5. Allowable Amount for a matter 

The Allowable Amount for a Matter (Cost of Proceedings)

Where an applicant does not satisfy the Means Test because the assessed contribution exceeds the allowable amount for the type of matter.

The allowable amount for each type of matter is:

Criminal law

 Type of matterAllowable amount
District Court Appeals$1,500
Supreme Court Bail$1,500
Indictable, including EAGP and trials$6,500
Appeals in higher courts$3,000

Family law

 Type of matterAllowable amount
FamilyCare proceedings
Higher court proceedings $4,500

Civil law

 Type of matterAllowable amount
CivilTribunal proceedings
Higher court proceedings $6,500

Where an officer with the delegation (Grade VI solicitor) decides to exercise discretion to grant aid where the applicant is outside on means, they can grant aid in exceptional circumstances with the initial contribution being set at the allowable amount for the type of matter.

Note: There is a discretion to increase the contribution above the allowable amount for the type of matter. See Means Test discretion 9.5

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