1. What matters are means tested?

The Means Test is not applied to the following:

Criminal law matters

  • criminal law advice and minor assistance services;
  • first appearance bail applications in Local Court criminal duty matters;
  • children in the Children's Court;
  • children in the District Court and the Supreme Court;
  • Drug Court matters;
  • some Prisoners' legal matters.


Family law matters

  • family law advice and minor assistance services;
  • family law duty lawyer matters;
  • care and protection duty lawyer matters;
  • children in the Children's Court;
  • children in appeals to the District Court in care matters;
  • children in the Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division of NCAT and appeals in the Supreme Court;
  • children where an order for independent representation is made under s 68L of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth);
  • parent or a person with parental responsibility in primary care and protection proceedings.


Civil law matters

  • civil law advice and minor assistance services;
  • civil law duty lawyer matters;
  • Mental Health and Guardianship matters for the subject of the proceedings;
  • War Veterans and their dependants for proceedings in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal under Part II of the Veterans' Entitlement Act 1986 (Cth) and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth), that relate to warlike or non-warlike service. 

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