Media releases

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Media releases

Surge in NSW workers seeking legal help for wage theft
28 May 2024

Learn how Legal Aid can help you this Law Week
17 May 2024

‘We don’t turn anyone away’: Demand for DV legal aid grows amid epidemic
23 April 2024

Legal aid available for flood-impacted NSW residents
9 April 2024

Hundreds of NSW women get legal help for workplace sexual harassment and discrimination
6 March 2024

Free diary helps seniors know their rights (Joint media release)
5 December 2023

New tools for lawyers to help clients with trauma and mental ill-health
16 November 2023

New Legal Aid office for south-west Sydney to meet rising demand (Joint media release)
31 October 2023

Future First Nations lawyers graduate from new program
25 October 2023

Legal advice for families to keep kids at home
24 October 2023

People urged to check their insurance early this bushfire season
4 October 2023

Groundbreaking approach for Aboriginal families in care proceedings to help Close the Gap (DCJ media release)
8 September 2023

$12.5 million to make applying for legal aid easier
4 September 2023

New Legal Aid office in far-west NSW to expand regional access to justice
19 July 2023

New service to keep First Nations families together
18 July 2023

Closing the gap in the legal sector
27 June 2023

Regions to benefit from new family law support service
26 June 2023

New children’s book helps refugees get legal help
20 June 2023

More seniors getting legal help for elder abuse
17 Jan 2023

LawAccess NSW Year in Review 2022
22 Dec 2022

DRLS E-newsletter December 2022
20 Dec 2022

Spike in demand for legal help after floods amid insurance backlog
7 Dec 2022

Free legal diary and calendar for seniors
5 Dec 2022

Free legal help and information for South West Sydney
1 Dec 2022

New Aboriginal legal career pathway to help close the gap
10 Nov 2022

Housing insecurity ‘reaching crisis levels’ in regional areas
3 Nov 2022

Lawyers in NSW libraries to bring law to life this Law Week
9 May 2022

Funding for family law and family violence legal assistance welcomed
31 Mar 2022

Free legal help for separating families in Griffith
20 Jan 2022