Free legal help and information for South West Sydney

1 Dec 2022

South West Sydney residents with legal questions on everyday problems like fines, bills and debt, relationship breakdown or trouble with the law are encouraged to attend an upcoming legal fair for free help.

Legal Aid NSW has partnered with the Vietnamese Australian Lawyers' Association to host a Legal Fair at Freedom Plaza, Cabramatta on December 10, 2022, from 10am-2pm where people can learn about the free legal and non-legal services available to help them.

Attendees will be able to speak to representatives from Legal Aid NSW and other organizations including Centrelink, CatholicCare, Gamble Aware, Mission Australia, CASS Care Ltd, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Settlement Services International (SSI) and Community Legal Centres.

Attendees will be able to access resources with free information, as well as speak to representatives to learn more about their rights and services that are available to help them.

Solicitor in Charge of Legal Aid NSW Bankstown office, Sallyanne Truong, encouraged people to attend, saying many were struggling with a range of issues in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis.

"It has been a difficult few years and many people are struggling with issues (legal and non-legal), but they simply don't know that help is available. It continually surprises me that the many services available are not widely known - in particular, the range and depth of Legal Aid services that are available to the general community" she said.

"We have had many clients come forward with issues relating to breakdown of family relationship, mortgage stress, fines’ problems who were better able to understand their rights after speaking with Legal Aid NSW.”

“People always have better outcomes when they understand their rights and know where to get help, so I would really encourage people to attend.”

People can contact Legal Aid NSW through Law Access NSW on 1300 888 529, or by visiting the website at Legal Aid NSW | Home.

Media contact | Georgia Clark | 0438 606 092

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