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Ask to have your fine written-off

Information about how to ask Revenue NSW to write off your fines.

What is a write-off?

If you are unable to pay a fine and this is unlikely to change, you can ask Revenue NSW to write off your fine.

If Revenue NSW agrees, you won’t have to pay the fine. However, any demerit points will still be added to your driving record.

Who can apply

You may be eligible if you:

  • are experiencing serious financial hardship and are unable to pay your fine
  • have a medical condition or are experiencing a situation such as family violence, that is preventing you from paying your fine
  • are unable to pay your fine via a payment plan or Work and Development Order (WDO).

How to apply

You need to complete a Write Off Application online.

You need to provide:

  • your full name, date of birth, address and licence number (if you have one)
  • your overdue fine reference number(s)
  • your Centrelink Reference Number (if applicable).

You must include details about your personal circumstance and the hardship you are experiencing such as:

  • why you can’t pay the fine(s) now and your situation is unlikely to improve in the next five years
  • you don’t own any substantial assets that can be seized (taken) and sold by the Sheriff
  • you don’t have money that Revenue NSW can take from your wages or bank account (garnish)
  • you don’t own any property Revenue NSW can claim an interest on, and
  • why a Work and Development Order (WDO) is not suitable.        

You must provide evidence to support your application, including: 

  • copies of your payslips, Centrelink statements or other evidence of your income 
  • copies of your bank account, credit union or building society statements for the last three months 
  • evidence of expenses 
  • medical reports from your doctor or psychologist explaining your medical condition 
  • report from your case worker, social worker or other professional confirming domestic problems 
  • police reports or court documents to confirm your situation.

If you have other unpaid fines that are not overdue at the time that you make a write-off application for an overdue fine, Revenue NSW may also consider writing off the other fines.

What happens next?

If Revenue NSW approves your application, they will first postpone your fines for five years. After five years, if your circumstances have not improved, Revenue NSW may agree to write-off your fines completely. 

When a fine is partially or fully written off, Revenue NSW considers the written off amount to be paid.

If the offence has associated demerit points, those demerits will be applied to your traffic record.

Revenue NSW may resume enforcement action if:

  • you don’t follow the condition(s) of your write off
  • Revenue NSW is satisfied that your circumstances have changed, and you now have enough money to pay
  • Revenue NSW receives a new overdue fine. 

If your application for a write off is unsuccessful, you will be notified in writing. You may still apply for a WDO if you are eligible. You will be given another 28 days to deal with the fine.

If Revenue NSW rejects your application, you can appeal to the Hardship Review Board.

For more information, see Step by step guide - Applying for a review at the Hardship Review Board.

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