Are you having problems with fines?

All fines have a due date for payment.

If you don’t pay by the due date, Revenue NSW will start recovery action against you.

Recovery action means that Revenue NSW can:

  • ask Transport for NSW to suspend your driverlicence or cancel your car registration
  • take money from your bank account or wages
  • refer your debt to a private debt collection agency
  • register an interest on any land or property youmay own, and
  • tell the sheriff to take your goods or property andsell them.

Each action taken may add more to your debt.

You can stop Revenue NSW taking recovery action. You just need to pay in full, apply for a payment plan or manage the fine in a way that suits your circumstances.

There are three types of fines that Revenue NSW manage:

  • Court fines are fines imposed by a court andinclude court costs and victims support levies.
  • Fine notices are issued by parking inspectors,police officers, rangers, transit officers,Transport for NSW cameras or other government departments. They can include parking, speeding, train, failing to vote or jury offences.
  • Orders for restitution are issued by VictimsServices and are managed by Revenue NSW ifthey aren’t paid.

Reducing your fines debt may be easier than you think.

Even if you have lots of fines debt that has built up over time, there are still things you can do to stop recovery action and get back on track.

There are options and services available to help you if you are having serious financial, medical or other personal problems.

Some of these options and services are explained in this brochure.

  • Set up a payment plan. You can ask Revenue NSW to set up a payment plan so you can make payments over time. 
  • Request a review. If you believe the fine should not have been issued to you, you can apply to Revenue NSW for the fine to be reviewed.
  • Nominate another driver. If your fine was the result of a camera detected driving offence and you weren’t the driver of the vehicle at that time, you can apply to have the fine reviewed.
  • Court election and appeal. You can choose to dispute your fine notice by going to court. If you have a court fine, you may be able to appeal it in a higher court. Get legal advice before you do this. Once you get a court attendance notice from Revenue NSW, you can’t change your mind.
  • Work and Development Order (WDO). If you meet certain elegibility criteria, you may be able to do a WDO to pay off your fines. WDO activities include doing unpaid volunteer work, counselling, an educational course or other activity. When you arrange to do a WDO, recovery action stops and any driving restrictions due to unpaid fines are lifted. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, see the Legal Aid NSW publication, Can’t pay your fines?.
  • 50% reduction. You can ask Revenue NSWfor a 50% reduction for some fines if you are on a Centrelink payment, have not had four or more similar fines within 12 months of the first offence date and the fine is not considered serious.
  • Write off. If you are experiencing seriousfinancial, medical or personal hardship andare unable to pay your fines, you can apply to Revenue NSW to write off your debt. To get help with this call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.

Where can I get more help?

OrganisationInformationContact Details
LawAccess NSWLawAccess NSW is a free information service run by Legal Aid NSW. They provide legal information and referrals for people with a legal problem in NSW.Access the web chat service on the website or call 1300 888 529 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Legal Aid NSW WDO ServiceThe Work and Development Order Service gives free legal advice and help for people with unpaid fines. They can help you find a WDO sponsor.Phone: 1300 888 529
Finefixer NSWFineFixer NSW is an online self-help tool developed by Legal Aid NSW lawyers that can help you understand how to deal with your fine depending on your circumstancesWebsite:
Community Legal Centres (CLC)Free legal advice and assistance.Phone: 9212 7333
National Debt HelplineFree legal help and financial counsellors.Phone: 1800 007  007
Revenue NSWInformation about your fines and debts and how to pay.Fine notices: 1300 138 118
Overdue fines: 1300 655 805
WDO Hotline: 1300 478 879 Website:

October 2023

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