Legal Aid NSW is piloting a Remote Preferred Provider (RPP) scheme for the allocation of care matters in the Riverina. Under the pilot, care matters will be allocated to remote preferred providers who are selected from Legal Aid NSW’s Care and Protection Panel.
The scheme cover the allocation of all grants of aid in care matters in this communities: that is, representation of the child or children the subject of an application; the parent(s); and any adult third party or parties joined to the proceedings.
Practitioners are selected as Remote Preferred Providers following a call for Expressions of Interest based on the following selection criteria:
Practitioners are selected as Remote Preferred Providers for six months, after which the pilots will be reviewed. The schemes may cease or continue, with or without changes, following this review.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines please contact the Legal Aid NSW Duty Scheme Coordinator on (02) 9219 5122 or by email at
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