Duty solicitor scheme

The duty solicitor scheme coordinates the involvement of private lawyers in Local Court criminal duty matters on behalf of Legal Aid NSW.

Duty lawyers service the majority of the local courts throughout New South Wales and appear for clients on their first appearance and for pleas of guilty, mentions, adjournments and bail applications (subject to the means test when applicable).

The Local Court Duty Solicitor Scheme Guidelines, developed jointly by Legal Aid NSW and the Law Society of NSW are available.

The duty solicitor scheme provides a valuable service to the courts and owes its success to the support and cooperation of the private profession especially in regional locations.

Please note: There are no duty rosters at courts close to Legal Aid NSW offices where duty services are provided by salaried solicitors from Legal Aid NSW. If you require information on the Back Up Duty Scheme you can find that here. Please visit the Legal Aid NSW offices page for a list of office locations.

Duty guidelines

Lawyers appearing on a duty day in the applicable duty court will comply with the following duty guidelines:

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