with the NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages
The Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program and the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages are working together to increase access to fee-free birth certificates for eligible people living in regional, rural and remote NSW. This partnership gives the CLSD Program access to a quota of fee-free certificates each financial year. The quota is shared amongst all 12 CLSD Program regions.
People are eligible for a fee-free birth certificate under this partnership who:
Applications are taken at CLSD events organised by CLSD regional coordinators and partners in each region.
There are other options for people experiencing disadvantage and who need a free birth certificate. The CLSD fee waiver factsheet developed by the CLSD Program outlines the options for obtaining for a free NSW birth certificate, including a program offered by Corrective Services NSW for inmates. The factsheet also covers fee waiver options in the ACT, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.
Contact the relevant regional coordinator in your region by visiting CLSD Program meetings calendar and contacts.
Possibly! Please contact the relevant regional coordinator if you would like to discuss working with the CLSD partnership on an event in your region.
For more information, see CLSD Program meetings calendar and contacts.
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