Interstate orders (defendant)

Information about AVOs made outside NSW if you are the defendant.

NSW Apprehended Violence Orders

An Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVOs) made after 25 November 2017 in recognised and enforceable in any Australian State or Territory.

An ADVO made before this date is recognised and enforceable in the State or Territory where it was made, and any State or Territory where it has been registered.

An Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO) is recognised and enforceable in the State or Territory where it was made, and any State or Territory where it has been registered.

Interstate Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders

An Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) made outside of New South Wales (NSW) is called an:

  • Interstate Domestic Violence Order (DVO)
  • Non-Local Domestic Violence Order (Non-Local DVO)
  • Intervention Order
  • Family Violence Order
  • Family Violence Intervention Order
  • Violence Restraining Order.

A Domestic Violence Order made in New Zealand is called a Foreign Order.

Interstate Domestic Violence Orders made after 25 November 2017

An Interstate Domestic Violence Order (DVO) made on or after 25 November 2017 is automatically recognised and enforceable in any Australian state or territory.

A registered foreign order will automatically be recognised in other Australian states and territories. The protected person does not need to make a separate application to register the order.

If the DVO is varied (changed) or revoked (cancelled) in any state or territory, it will automatically replace the original order. 

Interstate Domestic Violence Orders made before 25 November 2017

A DVO made before 25 November 2017 is not automatically recognised in another Australian state, territory or New Zealand unless the protected person makes an application to any Local Court for the DVO to be declared and nationally recognised. There is no requirement for the notice of the declaration to be served on you. This means that the DVO will be recognised and enforceable in any Australian state, territory or New Zealand.

If you have concerns that you may unknowingly breach the DVO, you should get legal advice.

Interstate Apprehended Personal Violence Orders

An Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO) made outside of NSW is called an 'External Protection Order'.  The protected person can register an External Protection Order in NSW if they move to NSW, as long as the original order was served on you. Once registered, the order will operate as an APVO in NSW.

An APVO made in NSW may be registered in another Australian state or territory, or in New Zealand.

If an APVO has been made against you in NSW and you don't know if it will apply in another state or territory, you should get legal advice.