Cross-applications (defendant)

Information about how to make your own application for an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO).

A cross application is where the defendant applies for an AVO against the protected person.

If you make a cross application, the Local Court is required to consider it.

Your application will be treated like a normal application for an AVO. You will have to prove that:

  • you fear the other party, and
  • it is reasonable to have that fear.

For more information about applying for an AVO, see Getting an AVO.

In the cross application, the parties may be referred to as:

  • cross applicant - you, the defendant in the original AVO
  • cross defendant - the other party, the applicant or protected person in the original AVO.

If you are a defendant in an AVO matter and you want to make a cross application, you should get legal advice.