Consenting to the order for restitution

Step by step guide

  • Warning

    If you consent to the order for restitution, you can’t apply for an objection later.

You will need one form:

  • Consent to the order for restitution

The form is included in the order for restitution pack you received from Victims Services.

If you don’t have a copy of the form, you should contact Victims Services on 1800 633 063. 

You must include the following information in the Consent to an order for restitution form:

  • your file number
  • your debt number
  • your full name and address as the defendant
  • the amount of the debt
  • the date of the order.

You will need to sign the bottom of the form in front of a witness. A witness can be anyone over the age of 18 years old. 

The witness will also need to write their full name, sign and date the form.

You can email your completed Consent to the order for restitution to

You can also post your completed form to:

Commissioner of Victims Rights 
Victims Services 
Locked Bag 5118 
Parramatta NSW 2124

Keep a copy of your documents before you send it.

Victims Services will confirm the order and transfer the debt to Revenue NSW. 

You will receive a letter from Revenue NSW with options on how to pay the overdue fine. 

For more information, see Responding to an overdue fine from Revenue NSW.

If you haven’t heard from Revenue NSW, you should contact Victims Services.  


Instructions: Consent to an order for restitution

Instructions: Consent to an order for restitution PDF | English | June 2023 | 103 kb

Sample: Consent to an Order for Restitution

Sample: Consent to an Order for Restitution PDF | English | May 2023 | 106 kb