Pleading not guilty

Information to help you prepare and present your not guilty plea. If you plead not guilty, this means that you do not agree with the offence or that you do agree, but you have a defence.

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    Different discounts on penalty apply depending on the type of offence you have been charged with and at what stage you have pleaded guilty. You should get legal advice about your specific situation and about what the benefit would be in pleading guilty. 

This section has information to help you prepare and present your not guilty plea. If you plead not guilty, this means that you do not agree with the offence or that you do agree, but you have a defence.

Different discounts on penalty apply depending on the type of offence you have been charged with and at what stage you have pleaded guilty. You should get legal advice about your specific situation and about what the benefit would be in pleading guilty.  

If you have received a Court Attendance Notice (CAN) and you want to plead not guilty but you cannot get to court for the mention, you may be able to plead not guilty in writing and get the court to send you a letter telling you the next date on which you have to go to court.

You can fill out a form called a 'Written Notice of Pleading'. A Written Notice of Pleading tells the court:

  • you are pleading not guilty
  • what dates you won't be available for a hearing
  • how many witnesses you will have.

You must send this to the Court at least seven days before your court date.  

Before pleading not guilty in writing, you should get legal advice. The Court may not accept your written plea and may want you to come to court instead.

You can use a Written Notice of Pleading to plead not guilty if:

  • you were released without bail, or
  • you have elected to go to court.

You can’t file a Written Notice of Pleading if you are on bail, have been refused bail or your bail has been dispensed with. If you are on bail and you can’t attend court in person, you may be able to appear by audio visual link (AVL) or telephone. If you are on bail and you have a lawyer, you may not have to attend court if your lawyer appears on your behalf.

If you are unsure whether you have to attend court, you should get legal advice. If you are required to attend court and you don’t, your case may be decided in your absence or a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

A Written Notice of Pleading is a form that tells the Court that you want to plead guilty or not guilty.

If you plead not guilty in writing, you won't need to go the mention but you will have to go to the hearing.

When the Court gets your Written Notice of Pleading, it may:

  • adjourn your case and give you another date to attend court
  • make orders for the police to serve you with a brief of evidence (documents that make up the evidence against you) and give you a reply date
  • give you a hearing date, if no brief of evidence is required. ​

You can also send a letter or email to the Court to plead not guilty, instead of using the form. The Court has the power to decide whether any letter or email you have sent will be taken as a Written Notice of Pleading. 

A blank form may be sent to you with your CAN. You can also get a copy from:

  • your nearest Local Court registry, or
  • the Forms page on the Local Court of NSW website.

If you use a Written Notice of Pleading to plead not guilty, you will need to include the following:

  • your name
  • the details of the offence listed on your CAN
  • the name and address of the Court you are required to attend
  • the date you are required to attend court
  • the number of witnesses you intend to use 
  • any dates that you are unavailable in the three month period after the mention
  • your contact details, such as email and phone numbers
  • whether or not you have a lawyer.

You don’t need to sign your form in front of an authorised witness.

Instructions: Written Notice of Pleading  - Pleading not guilty (PDF, 157.2KB)

Sample: Written Notice of Pleading - Pleading not guilty (PDF, 109.2 KB)

You can file your completed form with the registry of the Court that is hearing your case:

  • in person
  • by email
  • by post, or
  • by fax.

You should send your Written Notice of Pleading to the Courts postal address, not the street address that appears on your CAN. You can find the Courts postal address on the Court locations, listing and sitting arrangements page on the Local Court of NSW website.

After you have filed your completed form, you should call the registry to check that it was received and placed on your file.

You must make sure the Court has your Written Notice of Pleading at least seven days before the mention date. If you send it any later and do not attend Court, your case may be heard in your absence (without you) and the Court may find you guilty.

The Court may reject your Written Notice of Pleading if:

  • you have not provided enough information to the Court, or
  • the Court does not want to list your case for a hearing without you being there.

If the Court rejects your Written Notice of Pleading, your case may be adjourned (postponed) and you will be notified that you are required to attend court in person on the next occasion.

If you do not go to court on the new date, your case may be heard without you and a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

The Court will notify you of the date that your case will be heard.

You will be notified by email if you elected to be notified by email in your Written Notice of Pleading. If you didn’t elect to be notified by email, the Court will send you a letter by post.

If you want to know sooner, you can call the court registry.

Before the hearing date you should start preparing your case. For more information, see Step by step guide - preparing for defended hearing.

If you are pleading not guilty, you will usually have to go to court on more than one occasion. This is usually for the 'reply date' and the 'hearing'.

At the mention the Court may order the police to serve you with a brief of evidence (documents that make up the evidence against you) and give you a reply date. On the reply date you have to go to court. The Court will confirm whether the police have served the brief of evidence and if you still want to plead not guilty.

If the brief has been served and you still want to plead not guilty, the magistrate will set a hearing date.

Before you go to court for the hearing you will need to prepare your case. You should:

  • read the brief of evidence, if there is one
  • talk to your witnesses
  • gather any documents, photos or other evidence
  • subpoena documents and witnesses if necessary
  • go to court for the reply to the brief of evidence.

The police do not have to provide you with a brief of evidence for some charges. If a brief is not required, then there will be no reply date and the case will be listed straight for hearing.

For more information, see:

When you go to court, you will need to find your courtroom. After the Court calls your name, the case will start and will usually go ahead as follows:

  • The prosecutor will call its witnesses and ask them questions ('examination-in-chief'). You can also ask them questions ('cross-examination').
  • You give evidence and will be cross-examined by the prosecutor.
  • You call your witnesses (if you have any) and question them. The prosecutor will cross-examine your witnesses.  
  • You and the prosecutor sum up your cases.
  • The Court makes a decision.

For more information, see Step by step guide – Going to a defended hearing.

If you entered a plea of not guilty, you can change your plea to guilty. You do not need the permission of the court to do this.

You can change your plea to guilty any time before or during the hearing, but if you are considering changing your plea, get legal advice as soon as possible.

You should notify the court and the prosecutor as soon as you can after deciding to change your plea. If you change your plea on the day of the hearing you may be ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution attending the hearing.


You should tell the prosecutor or the police officer in charge of your case as soon as possible after you know you want to change your plea to guilty.

You should also tell the court. You can tell the court that you want to change your plea:

  • by telling the magistrate when your case is 'in for reply' or mention (if the magistrate set a reply date or further mention), or
  • by filing an Application to Vacate a Hearing Date (if the reply date has already passed or no reply date was set), or
  • by telling the magistrate on the date of the hearing. 

If you change your plea on the reply date, mention or the hearing date, the magistrate may want to finalise the matter and sentence you on the same day.

If you file an Application to Vacate a Hearing Date, the court may ask you to come to court on a date earlier than the hearing date, to allow you to enter your guilty plea and make submissions to the court.

You should be ready with information that you want the court to consider when sentencing you. 

An Application to Vacate a Hearing Date must be filed at least 21 days before the hearing date.

You can get copies of the form from:

Before you apply to vacate a hearing date, you should get legal advice. ​

After hearing all the evidence, the Court will decide whether you are guilty or not guilty of the offence. If you are found not guilty your case will be dismissed. If you are found guilty the magistrate will sentence you for the offence.

For more information, see The decision, in Step by step guide - Going to a defended hearing.


Instructions: Written Notice of Pleading - Pleading not guilty

Instructions: Written Notice of Pleading - Pleading not guilty PDF | English | June 2023 | 157 kb

Sample: Written Notice of Pleading - pleading not guilty

Sample: Written Notice of Pleading - pleading not guilty PDF | English | May 2023 | 109 kb

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