Information about getting bail and following your bail conditions.
If you are on bail, you must follow your bail conditions. If you don’t understand your bail conditions, or you want to change them, you will need to go to court. You should get urgent legal advice.
If you don’t follow your bail conditions:
Bail is an agreement that you will attend court if you have been charged with one or more offences. This agreement means that you won’t be held in custody while the matter is in court. It may have one or more conditions that you must follow.
If you are charged with an offence, police might:
If police don’t give you bail, they must take you to the Local Court as soon as possible (usually the same day or the next day) for a Court to decide whether you should be released on bail.
If the police release you on bail, you will get a number of documents.
A Custody Management Record is a record of your time in custody, including how long you were held, phone calls you made, and people who attended the station, such as a lawyer or support person.
The Reasons for Bail Decision by Authorised Officer document sets out why the police decided to give you bail.
The Bail Acknowledgement is your promise to comply with the bail conditions.
It is a form that you must sign before being released from custody. It must include:
The bail acknowledgment must also:
The Property Docket is a record of any items taken from you when you were in custody.
If you are not sure if you are on bail, you don't understand your bail conditions or if you have any concerns about how you were treated in custody you should get legal advice.
If you are released on bail, there are some bail requirements. These are conditions you have to follow. A standard bail conditions is that you attend court at a particular time and date. Usually there will be other bail conditions, such as:
A security requirement is a bail condition requiring you or another person to provide money or security as a guarantee that you will attend court. It is also referred to as bail money, or bail security.
Most people on bail don’t need a security requirement.
If you are thinking of providing security to help someone get bail, you should get legal advice.
Sometimes the security requirement is only paid if the accused fails to appear at court when required, and other times it will need to be paid before the accused is released.
If a Magistrate in the Local Court doesn’t give you bail, you can’t make a new application for bail in the Local Court unless there is a change in your circumstances.
If you don’t get bail in the Local Court, you can make an application to the Supreme Court.
People who don’t get bail have to stay in prison until their court case is finished.
If you plead guilty, the Court may give you bail in some circumstances.
If you plead guilty or are found guilty and will be sentenced to full time imprisonment, the Court must refuse bail unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If you want to change your bail conditions, you will need to make a Review of bail application. To do this, you will need to complete an application form and file it at the Local Court.
You can also get some of your bail conditions changed by the Registrar at the Court registry, if the prosecution agrees to the changes.
Before making an application to vary your bail conditions, you should get legal advice.
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