Our Legal Aid NSW Lismore office is open however operating with reduced staffing. So if possible please call Lismore on (02) 6621 2082 rather than attending the office in person. There may be some delays in responding.
Family Violence Law Help website – this website has easy to understand information on domestic and family violence, family law, child protection, ADVOs and where to get help.
Guidelines and tip sheets
Password Checklist - This Checklist reminds clients what passwords to change after leaving a violent relationship to increase their safety.
Spyware and Safety, WESNET - This Checklist assists clients to check for spyware on their devices and helps clients protect themselves against spyware.
Image-Based Abuse Tipsheet - This Tipsheet provides practical steps to assist clients where their intimate images are shared, or are threatened to be shared without consent.
Risk Assessment Tip Sheet - This Tip Sheet provides practical guidance about how to ask about domestic and family violence and about what risk factors to look for.
Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service - Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services help women and children obtain legal protection from domestic violence and also help with other needs including accessing support services and legal advice. WDVCASs service 108 local courts across NSW.
Domestic Violence Unit - The Domestic Violence Unit provides legal advice, assistance, referral and representation as well as social work support to victims of domestic and family violence.
Family Advocacy and Support Services - The Family Advocacy and Support Services provide integrated legal and social support services to families affected by family violence in the Parramatta, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong Family Law Courts.
Domestic Violence Practitioner Service, Legal Aid NSW Private solicitors, based in a number of local courts across NSW, are paid by Legal Aid NSW to give free independent advice to women experiencing domestic violence (including police clients) on ADVOS, family law, care and protection and victim’s compensation matters. They can also refer clients to other services for more legal help.
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