Coercive control

Training resources for all lawyers on the coercive control reforms

In November 2022, the NSW Parliament passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022, which creates an offence of ‘abusive behaviour towards current or former intimate partners’. This offence seeks to criminalise coercive control.

Legal Aid NSW has developed a set of training materials to introduce lawyers to coercive control and the new legislation.

If you are a domestic and family violence specialist worker, you can view tailored training resources via CLE community workers.

Module 1: Introduction to coercive control

This module is an eLearning course on the fundamentals of coercive control and the new legislation. It is suitable for lawyers working across all practice divisions.

To view and register for the course through our Learning Management System (LMS) visit 2024 eLearning - Introduction to coercive control.

  • Logging into the LMS

    If you are a panel lawyer, you can login by using your Grants Online username and password. If you do not have one of these please complete the Grants Online registration form.

    For other learners outside of Legal Aid NSW, please register for our Learning Management System.

    Please note the Learning Management System will not be available from 28 June to 1 July 2024.

Module 2: Coercive control and the criminal law

Legal Aid NSW is excited to announce a podcast series on coercive control, featuring different sector experts. This series has been developed with criminal defence lawyers in mind, but lawyers from all practice areas are encouraged to listen.

All episodes are now available on the Legal Aid NSW Criminal Law Division podcast channel. You can also access each episode below:


CDPVA amendments tip sheet for lawyers

CDPVA amendments tip sheet for lawyers PDF | English | January 2024 | 195 kb

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 No 65

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 No 65 PDF | English | May 2024 | 236 kb

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