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Open access information about Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW is publishing a range of open access information as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

See below to find out more about our:

  • policy documents
  • documents tabled in Parliament
  • information guide
  • disclosure log
  • details of information not disclosed to the public
  • major assets and property disposals.

Legal Aid NSW policy documents, such as those relating to privacy and data breaches can be found on the Policies page.

Legal Aid NSW does not have any documents tabled in Parliament, except for its Annual reports.

An 'information guide' includes information about our structure and functions and lists the kind of information that will be made publicly available – see the Agency information guide (PDF, 207 kb).

A disclosure log is a record of information that Legal Aid NSW has already released, often in response to a specific request from a member of the public or an organisation, and considers that such information could be of interest to other members of the public.

Applicants who make a formal application will be advised that information relating to the application may be made publicly available, and may object to information being included in the disclosure log. The disclosure log lists details about an application without releasing any identifying information.

Download the Legal Aid NSW disclosure log (PDF, 98 kb).

Legal Aid NSW must keep a record of any open access information that they do not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure. The record must indicate only the general nature of the information concerned.

When we decide that particular "open access information" should not be publicly available, a record of the decision will be made public here.

Legal Aid NSW does not own any land or buildings. It's only fixed assets class is Plant and Equipment, comprising office fittings, informations systems and information technology hardware.

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