Complaints about businesses or services

Information about making a complaint about a business or service.


If you have a co​mplaint about a business or a service, it is often a good idea to raise your concerns with them first. This can help to resolve the problem early and avoid legal action. You could write to them, or email or call them. In some cases, they may have a complaints department you could contact. Many organisations have a complaints procedure that they follow. Check their website to see if they have information about their complaints procedure, or contact them.

If you need help writing a letter, see Complaint letter tool on the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission website.

When dealing with your complaint, it is a good idea to write down who you spoke to, when you spoke to them and what was said. If you send a letter or email, keep copies for your own records. A copy of your letter may be provided to the person you are complaining about – you should think carefully about the wording of your letter or get legal advice.

If you are unable to resolve your complaint with the service provider or professional directly, you may be able to take your complaint further within the organisation or make a complaint to an external body.

Education and child care 

This section includes non-government education providers. If your complaint is about the Department of Education or a public school, see Complaints about government agencies. 

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to

​Child Care Centres

To make a complaint about a child care service, see Give feedback or make a complaint on the ​NSW Department of Education website. 

For complaints about investigations into allegations of a child protection nature, see Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website 

Training provider or organisation (registered)

To make a complaint about the quality of teaching, see Complaints about training providers on the Australian Skills Quality Authority website.

To make a complaint about VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans, see VET Student Loans complaints on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website and Making a complaint on the VET Ombudsman website.

Public universities in NSW 

To make a complaint about student safety and welfare, courses, teaching and facilities, disciplinary processes and reasonable adjustments, see Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website. 

Complaints about interstate universities with campuses in NSW cannot be made to the NSW Ombudsman. ​

Private schools (non-Catholic)

Each independent school registered with the Board of Studies must have in place policies and procedures in relation to complaints and grievances. You should request a copy of the school's policy. Check their website to see if they have information about their complaints procedure.

Generally, a complaint should be first made to the principal of the school and then, if not satisfied, to the school's Board Chair in writing.

If you are still not satisfied, the school may be a member of an association that can deal with complaints. To find out if the school is a member of an association, see AISNSW School Finder on the Association of Independent Schools NSW website.

For complaints about investigations into allegations of a child protection nature, see Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website.

If the complaint is to do with courses delivered to overseas children, see Approval of school providers to deliver courses to overseas students on the NSW Education Standards Authority website.

If you are an international student, see International student complaints on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website. 

Private schools (Catholic)

Catholic schools are run by Diocesan Catholic Schools Authorities in NSW. They are also called Catholic Education Offices or Catholic School Agencies. Complaints need to be made to the Catholic School Agency that administers the school you want to complain about.

For a list of Catholic School Agencies, see The Catholic School Network on the Catholic Schools NSW website. 

For complaints about investigations into allegations of a child protection nature, see Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website.

If the complaint is to do with courses delivered to overseas children, see Delivering courses to overseas students on the NSW Education Standards Authority website.

For overseas student complaints, see International student complaints on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website. 

Financial and insurance services 

This section deals with financial and insurance service providers, and services related to money and debt.​

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to


If your accountant is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, see Making a complaint on the CPA Australia website.

If your accountant is a member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), see Complaints and Disciplinary Action on the Institute of Public Accountants website. 


For more information, see Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

​Creditors Providers

​See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website. 

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website. 

For certain types of complaints, see Reporting misconduct to ASIC on the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) website.

See Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

Debt Collectors

See Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

See Reoprt a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website. 

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

For certain types of complaints, see Reporting misconduct to ASIC on the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) website.

​Health Insurers

​For more information, see Private Health Insurance complaints on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website.

Insurance companies

For complaints about general insurance, see Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

For complaints about insurers under the Home Building Compensation Fund, see Home building compensation cover on the State Insurance Regulatory Authority website. 

Mortgage Brokers

See the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) website to see if your broker is a member. 

See Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

Superannuation Scheme

See Make a complaint on the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) website.

​Tax Agents

​See Complaints, compliments and feedback on the Australian Taxation Office website.

To make a complaint about a tax practitioner, see Complaints on the Tax Practitioners Board website.

Health care providers 

This section deals with complaints about behaviour and standards of care from health practitioners and facilities.​

If your complaint is about an issue related to privacy, see Privacy complaints on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to

Aged care facilities

See Making a complaint on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website. 


See Before lodging a complaint with us on the Chiropractic Council of NSW website.

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Medical Council of NSW website. 

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Dental Council of NSW website. 

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.

General Practitioners

See Complaints and concerns on the Medical Council of NSW website. 

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.

Nurses and midwives

See Complaints and concerns on the Nursing and Midwifery Council of NSW website.  

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Optometry Council of NSW website. 


See Complaints and concerns on the Osteopathy Council of NSW website.

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Pharmacy Council of NSW website.

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Physiotherapy Council of NSW website.

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Podiatry Council of NSW website. 

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.


See Complaints and concerns on the Psychology Council of NSW website. 

See How to make a complaint on the Health Care Complaints Commission website.

Legal services 

This section deals with complaints about behaviour, standards of service and costs for legal services.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to


See Complaints on the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC) website.


Complaints can be made directly to the Conveyancer.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to NSW Fair Trading.

For more information, see Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

Community Legal Centre 

See Complaints on the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC) website.

See Raise a concern on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website.

Justices of the Peace (JPs)

Complaints can be made to the Department of Communities and Justice.

For more information, see Submit feedback about a JP on the Department of Communities and Justice website.

The Department’s decision about your complaint will be final. However, if you are unhappy with how the Department has handled your complaint, you can make a complaint to the NSW Ombudsman. For more information, see Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website. 


See Complaints on the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC) website. 


See Complaints on the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC) website. 

Media (TV, radio, online and print)

This section includes complaints about conduct on television, radio, online and in print. It also includes complaints about online and internet services, scams and spam.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to


See Make a complaint on the Ad Standards website.

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.


See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.

Internet scams

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.

Internet content

See Report online harm on the eSafety Commissioner website. 

Internet spam (unsolicited mail)

See Complaints on the Australian Communications and Media Authority​ website. 


See Complaints on the Australian Communications and Media Authority​ website. 


See Complaints on the Australian Press Council website. 


See Complaints on the Australian Communications and Media Authority​ website. 


See Complaints on the Australian Communications and Media Authority​ website. 

Religious, sporting and community organisations and groups

This section has information about complaints about charities, sporting groups, community organisations, associations and religious organisations.​

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to


If your complaint is to do with a breach of the liquor or gaming laws, see Make a complaint on the Liquor and Gaming NSW website.

See Raise a concern on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) 
If the complaint is in relation to charitable fundraising, see Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

Commun​ity groups 

If the community group is registered, see Raise a concern on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) website. 

If the complaint is in relation to charitable fundraising or the community group is an incorporated association, see Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.


See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

Incorporated associations 

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

Registered clubs 

Complaints can be made directly to the venue.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to Liquor and Gaming NSW. For more information, see Make a complaint on the Liquor and Gaming NSW website.

Religious organisations 

Many religious organisations and churches have professional standards offices that take complaints.  ​

If the organisation is registered, see Raise a concern on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

Sporting bodies 

See Complaints and grievances on the NSW Office of Sport website.

Phone and internet

This section includes complaints about phone and internet providers, as well as complaints about online scams, spam and content.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to
Internet contentComplaints about cyberbullying, image-based abuse and illegal and harmful content can be made to the eSafety Commissioner. For more information, see Report online harm on the eSafety Commissioner website.

Internet scams

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.

Internet spam (unsolicit​ed mail)

See Complaints on the Australian Communications and Media Authority website.

Phone, mobile and internet service providers

Complaints can be made directly to the service provider.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

For more information, see Complaints on the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman website. 

Utilities (water, gas and electricity)

This section has information about complaints relating to energy and water bills or service problems.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to

Electricity providers (for example Origin, AGL, Energy Australia)

Complaints can be made directly to the electricity provider.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to the Energy and Water Ombudsman.

For more information, see Making a complaint on the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) website.

Gas providers (for example AGL, Origin, Country Energy)

Complaints can be made directly to the gas provider.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to the Energy and Water Ombudsman.

For more information, see Making a complaint on the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) website.

Water providers (for example Sydney Water, Essential Water)

Complaints can be made directly to the water provider.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a further complaint to the Energy and Water Ombudsman.

For more information, see Making a complaint on the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) website.

Service providers and businesses 

This section includes complaints about businesses in general, as well as complaints about specific types of businesses.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to

Builders, plumbers, electricians and other trades

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

(includes consumer complaints about the service provided)

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) web site.

For certain types of complaints, see Reporting misconduct to ASIC on the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) website.


For certain types of complaints, see Reporting misconduct to ASIC on the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) website.


To complain about a members see, Complaints and Feedback on the Drycleaning Institute of Australia  (DIA) website.

Licensed venues (liquor and gaming)

See Make a complaint on the Liquor and Gaming NSW website.

Real Estate Agents

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

See Report a consumer issue on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.

Retailers and shops

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.


Australian Cabinet and Furniture Association (for its members)

Australian Furniture Removers Association (for its members)

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

​Travel Agents

See Complaint on the Australian Federation of Travel Agents website. 

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.


See Consumer information on the Veterinary Practitioners Board of New South Wales website. 

See Complaints and enquiries on the NSW Fair Trading website.

Security industry 

This section provides details about complaints relating to the security industry. ​

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to

Commercial and Private Inquiry Agents

See Lodge a Report of Non-compliance on the Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate (SLED) website.

Securi​ty guards

See Lodge a Report of Non-compliance on the Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate (SLED) website.

To make a complaint about a member, see ASIAL Complaint and dispute resolution policy on the Australian ​Security Industry Association website.


This section has information about complaints relating to public transport, as well as other transport related service providers.

Your complaint is about...Who you can make a complaint to


See Feedback, questions and complaints on the Transport NSW website.

TaxisSee Feedback, questions and complaints on the Transport NSW ​website.
TrainsSee Feedback, questions and complaints on the Transport NSW ​website.

Transport Officers (not police officers)

See Feedback, questions and complaints on the Transport NSW​website.

See Making a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website. 

Tolling companies

See Make a complaint on the Tolling Ombudsman website. 

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