A tool to assess if you may be eligible for legal aid under the Means Test
We apply the Means Test to determine a person’s eligibility for legal aid.
The Means Test looks at your (and if relevant, your partner's) income and assets. It includes deductions for certain household expenses and allows for certain types of assets such as a home. The Means Test Indicator is a guide as to whether you may be eligible for legal aid under the Means Test and is based on the information you provide about your income, assets and household expenses.
The results of the indicator do not guarantee that you will receive legal aid. This is because the indicator can only work out your eligibility based on the numbers you enter into the indicator. Also, the Means Test is only one of the tests for eligibility for legal aid. We also look at your legal case to see whether legal aid is available for your legal matter and whether your legal case has reasonable prospects of success.
The information you enter in the Means Test Indicator is not saved. It is confidential and anonymous.
You will still need to lodge an application for legal aid so that your eligibility can be fully determined by Legal Aid NSW.
If you want to lodge an application, we strongly encourage you to see a lawyer who can submit the application for you.
If you are seeking assistance for an early intervention mediation – for example, you need to attend a family law early intervention dispute resolution mediation.
Start Early Resolution Assistance (ERA) Means Test Indicator
If you are seeking assistance for a Local Court summary crime matter.
If you are seeking assistance for family court proceedings, have an indictable criminal matter (committal, trial or an appeal) or have civil proceedings in a tribunal or court.
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