Making an unfair dismissal application

Step by step guide

This page has information how to complete and submit an unfair dismissal application to the Fair Work Commission 

You will need one form:

  • Form F2 - Unfair Dismissal Application

You can apply online using the Fair Work Commission Online Lodgment Service or get a copy of the form from:

When completing the application, you will need to include:

  • the name and contact details of your employer
  • the dates you were employed
  • the reasons your employer gave for why you were dismissed (if you were given reasons)
  • why you think the dismissal was unfair
  • whether you need an interpreter.

If you are applying online, you or your nominated representative can sign electronically. A nominated representative can be your guardian, a lawyer, a paid agent, an organisation or a not-for-profit association that provides advocacy service.

If you are lodging a paper application, you can attach extra pages. You or your nominated representative will need to sign the form. The form can be signed electronically. You should keep a copy of your application for your own records.

Instructions: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application [PDF, 164KB].

Sample: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application [PDF, 154KB].

You can lodge the form:​

  • online using the Online Lodgment Service (OLS) on the Fair Work Commission website.
  • by email or post. You can send your completed form by email or post to your nearest  Fair Work Commission office.
  • in person.
  • by phone. The phone number can be found on the  Fair Work Commission website. If you are very close to the 21 day time limit you can make an application over the telephone and the Fair Work Commission will prepare the application and send it to you to complete, sign and lodge within 14 days.

An application lodged by email or by using the Fair Work Commission Online Lodgment Service is not taken to be lodged until you receive an acknowledgment from the Fair Work Commission. You will need to pay a fee to lodge the application. For the current fees, see Fees and Costs on the Fair Work Commission website. 

If you are lodging the form by email or post, you do not fill in credit card details on the form. A Commission officer will contact you about payment, within three business days from the date of lodgment.

If you are posting the form, make sure you give yourself plenty of time as you must meet the time limit. The Commission must receive your application within 21 days of the date you were dismissed. If you are close to the time limit, you should call the Fair Work Commission or apply online.

Waiver of fee 

If you can’t pay the fee, you can apply for the Commission to waive (cancel) the fee. You will need to complete a Form F80 – Waiver of application fee, and file it with your application.

You will have to give details of your finances on the waiver form. If the Commission approves your waiver application, you will not need to pay the application fee.

After you file your application the Commission will arrange a conciliation. The Commission will send a notice of listing to you and your employer telling you the date and time of the conciliation. You should start preparing for the conciliation.

The Commission will also ask your employer to fill out a form responding to your application. Your employer should send a copy of this form to you.

For more information, see Conciliation, in Unfair dismissal.


Instructions: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application

Instructions: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application PDF | English | May 2023 | 164 kb

Sample: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application

Sample: Form F2 - Unfair dismissal application PDF | English | May 2023 | 154 kb

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