Step by step guide – Making an application for general protections dismissal

Information about how to lodge a General protections dismissal application at the Fair Work Commission.

To apply to the Commission, you need to fill in a form and submit it with the application fee.  If you can’t afford to pay the fee, you may be able to apply to waive (cancel) or reduce it.

You must make a general protections application to the Commission within 21 days of the date you were dismissed.

You will need one form:

  • Form F8 - Application for the Commission to deal with a General Protections Dispute

If you can’t afford the application fee, it is possible to apply to waive (cancel) the fee. In this case you will need a second form:

  • Form F80 – Waiver of application fee 

You can get a copy of the form from:

You can complete the form by:

  • completing it on a computer and printing it out or
  • completing it on a computer and emailing it to the Commission (you must type your name in the signature section), or
  • printing it out and completing it neatly in blue or black pen.

You will be asked to provide:

  • your name and contact details
  • information about whether you need an interpreter or any special assistance
  • your employer's name and contact details
  • the date you were dismissed
  • the reasons your employer gave for dismissing you (if any)
  • any letter of dismissal or separation certificate
  • the date your employment started
  • whether you have made any other application
  • what outcome you want
  • what your employer did that led you to make the application
  • how your employer's actions have adversely affected you
  • which general protection you think the employer has broken

If you need more space for your answer you can attach extra pages. When you finish you must sign and date the form.

Instructions: Instructions - Form F8 - General Protections application involving dismissal

Sample: Sample- Form F8 - General Protections application involving dismissal.

Make sure you keep a copy of the completed form for your records.

You can lodge the form:​

You will need to pay a fee to lodge the application. To see the current fees, go to Fees and Costs on the Fair Work Commission’s website. 

You can pay the filing fee by:

  • credit card (Visa and Mastercard) 
  • EFTPOS (only for payments made in person at the Commission)
  • Cheque or money order 
  • cash (only for payments made in person at the Commission)

All cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to 'The Collector of Public Monies, FWC'. 

If you are applying by facsimile you must usually pay by credit card. If you do not have a credit card you should contact the Commission to find out if they will still accept a faxed application and allow you to pay in some other way.

If you are lodging the form by email or post, you do not fill in credit card details on the form. A Commission officer will contact you about payment, within 3 business days from the date of lodgment. 

If you are posting the form, make sure you give yourself plenty of time as you must meet the time limit. The Commission must receive your application within 21 days of the date you were dismissed.

Waiver of fee 

If you can’t pay the fee, you can apply for the Commission to waive (cancel) the fee. You will need to complete a Form F80 – Waiver of application fee, and file it with your application.

You will have to give details of your finances on the waiver form. If the Commission approves your waiver application, you will not need to pay the application fee.