You have two years from the date of the last incident of sexual harassment to apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop sexual harassment.
You can apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop sexual harassment if you:
You can apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop sexual harassment if you:
A worker includes:
A constitutionally covered business includes most businesses except for sole traders, charitable organisations, and state governments.
You should get legal advice about your eligibility to apply for an order to stop sexual harassment.
If you are complaining about sexual harassment that occurred on or after 6 March 2023, you must complete a Form F75 - Application for the Fair Work Commission to deal with a sexual harassment dispute.
If you are complaining about sexual harassment that occurred before 6 March 2023, you must complete a Form F72A - Application for an order to stop sexual harassment that commenced prior to 6 March 2023.
You can lodge your completed form:
You should post your completed form to:
Fair Work Commission,
Level 11, Terrace Tower
80 William Street
East Sydney, NSW, 2011.
You must pay a fee when you lodge your application.If you email or post your application, the Fair Work Commission will contact you about payment.
You do not have to pay the fee if this would cause you serious financial hardship. You can apply for a waiver of the fee using a Form F80 - Waiver of application fee.
Once the Fair Work Commission receives your application, they will contact you to explain the process.
They will send a copy of the application to:
The Commission will contact the parties named in the application. They are the people and organisations you have made the application against and are also called respondents.
The respondents to the application will need to respond to the Commission within seven days.
Following this, the Commission will gather information about the application and can either refer the case to conciliation (also called a conference) or a hearing.
The Commission may join other parties to the application if there are other aggrieved persons.
If a respondent argues that the Commission does not have power to deal with the issue, the Commission may call you and your employer to appear before the Commission so that it can decide about whether to go ahead.
For more information about sexual harassment, see How we deal with sexual harassment cases on the Fair Work Commission website.
If you apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop sexual harassment, you will be referred to conciliation (also called a conference).
The conciliation is voluntary. Conciliation will only happen if you both agree.
If the conciliation goes ahead, the Commission will provide an independent conciliator to help you and your employer:
The conciliation process is confidential and happens in private.
During the conciliation, the conciliator can make recommendations and express their opinion, however, they cannot decide how your case should proceed if it is not resolved.
If you or your employer do not want to go to, or you cannot reach an agreement at, conciliation, your application will be listed for a hearing.
For more information, see Conciliation for bullying at work on the Fair Work Commission website.
Before your case goes to a hearing, a Member from the Fair Work Commission will call you and your employer together for a preliminary conference to make directions about how the case will go ahead.
At the preliminary conference, the Member may decide to:
If your case goes to a final hearing at the Fair Work Commission, you and your employer will have to prepare your evidence and make submissions (arguments) about your case before the Member.
Hearings are usually open to the public, but the Commission can make confidentiality orders in some cases.
If you are not sure how to prepare for the final hearing, you should get legal advice.
Following the hearing, the Member will either:
The Fair Work Commission can make any orders it considers appropriate to prevent you from being sexually harassed, including orders that:
For more information, see Outcomes on the Fair Work Commission website.
The Fair Work Commission cannot order your employer or another person to pay you compensation for being sexually harassed.
If you want to make a claim for compensation, for example, if you suffered an injury as a result of sexual harassment, there may be other legal options available to you like making a complaint to Anti-Discrimination NSW or the Australian Human Rights Commission, or a sexual harassment dispute application to the Fair Work Commission). You should get legal advice about your situation and your available options.
The Fair Work Commission has the same powers to order costs in anti-bullying applications as in other applications.
For more information, see Costs on the Fair Work Commission website.
If the Commission does not grant an order to stop sexual harassment, you may be able appeal the decision within 21 days, with the Commissions permission, to the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission.
The Full Bench of the Commission:
If your employer is unhappy with the decision of the Fair Work Commission, they may appeal.
If the Commission hears an appeal, it can stay (stop) the operation of an order until the appeal is finalised. A stay order can be made on any terms and conditions that the Commission considers appropriate.
For more information, see Appeal a decision or order on the Fair Work Commission website.
Before you want to file an appeal, you should get legal advice.
If your employer or any other person is not complying with an order to stop sexual harassment, you may be able to apply to the court for an order that the person must pay a financial penalty. This type of application is called an application for breach of a civil remedy provision.
You must apply within six years from the breach of the order.
The court can make orders, including:
Before you apply to the court, you should get legal advice. If your application is unsuccessful, you may be ordered to pay your employer’s legal costs.
For more information, see Enforcement on the Fair Work Commission website.
The Fair Work Ombudsman may be able to take action against someone who does not comply with an order to stop sexual harassment made by the Fair Work Commission.
For more information, see Making a complaint about workplace sexual harassment on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.
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