Employment Law Service

Legal Aid NSW statewide specialist service.

The Employment Law Service is a specialist service of Legal Aid NSW. We provide free legal advice, assistance and representation for workers with employment law problems.

We provide employment law advice from our offices that provide civil law advice throughout NSW.

We also have dedicated employment law advice sessions on fixed dates.

We can help many types of workers, including:

  • full time workers
  • part time workers
  • casual workers
  • government workers
  • young workers
  • contractors
  • workers on visas

Legal advice

We can give legal advice about many types of employment law problems, involving:

  • wages and entitlements
  • leave
  • superannuation
  • dismissal
  • redundancy
  • discrimination
  • issues affecting contractors


We can provide representation in employment law legal proceedings in the Fair Work Commission, in the courts and in other tribunals. We represent workers who are eligible for legal aid in accordance with our policies.

For more information about making an application for legal aid, visit the apply for legal aid page.


We give seminars on areas of employment law for groups of workers, community organisations and community workers. If you would like us to give a seminar, please contact the Employment Law team: employmentlaw@legalaid.nsw.gov.au.

If you have a legal question, start with our team at LawAccess NSW. They can give you legal information, help you plan your next step and connect you with services that can help you. Click on the ‘Chat with us’ button or call 1300 888 529 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

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