Character references

Information about how to write a character reference and when to get one.

Getting character references

If you are pleading guilty, it is a good idea to have two or three character references that you can give to the Court.

Character references are letters written by referees (people) who know you and can write about your good character.

If you are asking a person to prepare a character reference for you, you can print off these instructions and give it to them to help them complete your reference.

Who can give a reference

You can get a character reference from:

  • a neighbour
  • your employer or a work colleague
  • your doctor
  • a teacher
  • a family friend
  • a member of a club or organisation that you belong to, for example a local sporting club, community group or a church or other religious organisation.

Your referees should have a good reputation and should not have a criminal record.

You should avoid asking people under the age of 18 to prepare a character reference.

You should be willing to tell your referee about the offence. This is because it is important that the referee say that they are aware of the offence, but are still happy to describe you as someone of 'good character.'

Preparing a character reference

Character references should:

  • be on a white A4 piece of a paper
  • be neatly written or typed
  • in a size 12, easy to read font
  • be dated
  • have the referees name and address on the right hand side
  • be addressed "To the Presiding Magistrate"
  • be signed with the name of the person printed underneath
  • be no longer than two pages.

What to include

The referees character reference should include:

  • their name and occupation
  • that they are aware that you are appearing in court to appeal the suspension of your driver's licence
  • that they are aware of the offence(s) that led to the suspension of your driver's licence
  • how long they have known you
  • how they know you, for example, employer, workmate, priest, teacher, team member, family friend, flat mate
  • their opinion of your character.

What not to include

The reference should not include the following:

  • the referee's opinion about the appropriate penalty
  • any irrelevant information
  • a statement that the offence is 'out of character' if you have committed other offences in the past
  • any statement that the referee knows is false, or does not agree with.

You should take the original letter and three copies to court. The original will be kept by the court. You will need to give one copy to the prosecutor, keep one for your records and have a spare.


Sample character reference

Sample character reference PDF | English | May 2023 | 32 kb

Sample: Character reference for appealing an TfNSW licence suspension

Sample: Character reference for appealing an TfNSW licence suspension PDF | English | May 2023 | 34 kb