Applying for an AVO (protected person)

Information about how to apply for an Apprehended Violence Order.

An application for an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) can be made by:

  • the police on your behalf (called a 'police application')
  • a guardian appointed under a guardianship order
  • you personally (called a 'private application').

The people involved in an AVO matter are:

  • Applicant: the person asking the Court to make an AVO.
  • Protected person: the person who wants protection from the defendant. The protected person is also called the 'Person in Need of Protection' (PINOP) or the complainant.
  • Defendant: the person you want protection from.
  • Your safety is important

    If you feel unsafe or are experiencing any violence, contact the police, a domestic violence counsellor or get legal advice.

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