Legal Aid NSW operates with limited funds, and the collection of contributions from our clients is an important source of funding which allows us to maintain the legal services we provide. The provision of legal services by Legal Aid NSW involves significant costs and expenses.
Imposing a contribution communicates to our clients and the community generally, that legal aid is not free and legally aided persons should contribute to the costs of providing the legal service.
When a grant of aid is made, the grant letter informs the legally aided person of the amount of the initial contribution and the due date for payment.
If the grant letter has not been sent directly to the client, their lawyer must provide this information to the client as soon as possible.
The due date is 30 days from the date of the grant letter.
By the due date, either:
Contributions can be paid by instalments. If you arrange for your client to pay by instalments, you must inform the Accounts Receivable Unit on so that automated reminder letters are not sent to your client.
Interest is charged on debts being paid by instalments once the thirty days has passed.
If your client owns real property, the initial contribution can be secured by a Charge – please see charge procedures for more information.
The initial contribution may be reduced in exceptional circumstances (see Contributions guideline 2).
Note: Once the matter is concluded, the initial contribution can only be changed to a lower amount by a write-off. Only officers with a delegation can authorise a write-off.
For inhouse clients the following payment options are available:
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