Access to Grants Online is available by selecting the ‘Grants Online’ button at the top of the Legal Aid NSW website. This will take you to the Grants Online login screen. You will need to register to use Grants Online and have a login username and password.
If you haven’t already registered for Grants Online, see the Grants Online registration form.
Practitioners must be registered to use Grants Online. You can register by completing and submitting the Grants Online registration form.
To access the Grants Online login page, select the ‘Grants Online’ button at the top of the Legal Aid NSW website.
Upon registering you will receive a login password which you use to log in to Grants Online through the Grants Online login page. The first time you do this you will be asked to change your password.
You will need to be registered for Grants Online before you can make an application to become a member of a Legal Aid NSW Practitioner Panel.
By registering for Grants Online you will also be able to register for Legal Aid NSW courses and conferences using the Learning Management System (LMS). You will need your Grants Online username and password to log in to the LMS.
To get help registering, contact the Legal Aid NSW Service Desk by calling (02) 9219 5999 or emailing
All applications for aid lodged by panel practitioners must be submitted via Grants Online. The requirement for panel practitioners to submit applications via Grants Online is included in the Legal Aid NSW Quality Standards.
In accordance with the Grants allocation guidelines, where an application has been submitted by a practitioner via Grants Online, Legal Aid NSW will be satisfied that the practitioner is the client’s preferred practitioner should the matter need to be assigned.
To get help registering for Grants Online, contact the Legal Aid NSW Service Desk by calling (02) 9219 5999 or emailing
You can update your client’s details in Grants Online by selecting ‘Update client details’ from the menu on the Grants Online screen.
You can search for your client by name and date of birth. When you click on search your client should appear in the search results. You can then select your client’s name and make the necessary changes. Please note, the search results will only show you the names of client’s assigned to your law practice.
You can update your telephone and fax numbers and email address in Grants Online.
To update your personal details, click on Update Personal Details option from the menu on the left-hand side of the Grants Online Screen.
You can then update the relevant details.
For detailed instructions on how to update your personal details you can access our Grants Online User Guide – Update your personal details.
Only the principal or someone who is registered as a Grants Online administrator for your law practice can update information recorded against the organisation in Grants Online, in particular telephone and fax numbers, addresses and bank account details.
To update your law practice's details, select ‘Update office’ from the menu on the Grants Online Screen.
You will need to search for your law practice and once located click on the blue underlined name of your law practice in the Office column.
Update the required information and save. A confirmation message at the top of the screen lets you know your changes have been saved.
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