Annual Report 2022-2023

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About this report

This annual report reviews and reports on our activities and performance, including what we set out to do in the Legal Aid NSW Strategic Plan 2018–2023. Learn more about our five-year strategic plan.

This report incorporates operational activities of our organisation, including joint initiatives. It reflects our commitment to effective corporate governance through openness and accountability. It provides an account of our revenue and how we have used public funds. The report also looks to the year ahead and comments on the challenges facing Legal Aid NSW.

Last year’s annual report received a Gold Award from the Australasian Reporting Awards – our 20th Gold Award. This is our 44th annual report.

About Legal Aid NSW

We are the largest legal aid commission in Australia. In this report, we refer to ourselves as Legal Aid NSW.

Legal Aid NSW provides legal services across NSW with an emphasis on assistance for socially and economically disadvantaged people. We have a network of 25 offices, two satellite offices, a statewide phone legal service and a statewide information and referral phone and webchat service, LawAccess NSW.

We work with private lawyers who receive funding from Legal Aid NSW to represent legally-aided clients. We also work closely with community legal centres, the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) and pro bono legal services. Legal Aid NSW strives to support clients and improve access to justice through initiatives such as the Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Program. We also administer funding for the state’s 27 Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services and 32 community legal centres. We collaborate with other agencies providing social and support services to people experiencing disadvantage, helping us deliver integrated services to address clients’ legal and non-legal needs.

Our Board establishes our broad policies and strategic priorities. Board members are appointed by the NSW Attorney General for terms of up to three years.

The Hon. Michael Daley, MP
Attorney General
52 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Attorney,

In accordance with section 13 (1) of the Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 (NSW) and section 10 (1) of the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 (NSW), I am pleased to submit the Legal Aid NSW annual report for the year ended 30 June 2023 to you for presentation to Parliament.

Yours sincerely,

Monique Hitter
Chief Executive Officer
October 2023

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This annual report reviews and reports on our activities and performance, including what we set out to do in the Legal Aid NSW Strategic Plan 2018–2023.
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Our five-year strategic plan sets our direction as an organisation, and we develop yearly implementation plans that reflect our goals. 2022–23 was the fifth year in our 2018–23 strategic plan.
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Operations and performance

Our key organisational goal is to provide legal help to disadvantaged clients with diverse needs.
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Management and accountability

Providing clients with exceptional legal help requires our Board's support, our Executive Team's guidance, and strong, fair governance and management processes.
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We are committed to ensuring our procurement practices reflect our values by choosing suppliers with fair and sustainable business practices.
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Financial performance

Financial performance for 2022-2023.
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Appendices for the 2022-2023 Annual Report.
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Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2022-2023 PDF | English | November 2023 | 4 mb