Prisoners Legal Service (PLS)

How our lawyers can help you

Who are we?

Prisoners Legal Service (PLS) is a specialist service of Legal Aid NSW.

Our service is free and confidential.

How can you help me?

Prisoners Legal Service (PLS) is a specialist service of Legal Aid NSW.Our service is free and confidential.

We can give you free legal advice and help with:

  • bail
  • applications for legal aid
  • appeals
  • parole
  • classification and other prison issues
  • family law care and protection
  • child support
  • child contact, custody arrangements or adoption, and 
  • divorce and property issues.

We can represent you at:

  • hearings at the State Parole Authority
  • life sentence determinations
  • segregation appeals, and
  • visiting magistrate hearings.

We can refer you to other legal aid services for help with issues like fines, debt, housing and victims compensation, or you can call #11 and ask for the Prisoner Civil Law Service.

How do I book an appointment with you?

  1. Ask your wing officer or area manager toput your name in the ‘Legal Aid book’.
  2. Use the Common Auto Dial List (CADL) as a free call. Press 11# (Legal Aid) and ask for Prisoners Legal Service during business hours. Our hours are sometimes restricted to 10am–12pm and 2pm–4pm.
  3. Write to: Prisoners Legal Service, PO Box 695 Parramatta NSW 2124.

Friends and family of prisoners can contact Prisoners Legal Service on 02 9066 6046 during business hours.

Where can I find more information?

Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) legal information portal

CSNSW provides legal information and library materials to inmates via the Correctional Centres' secure internal network (Offender Network).

Legal Aid NSW

Friends and family can visit for information and resources about parole, remand, appeals, prisoners rights and where to get legal help.



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