A Legal Aid lawyer can give you free legal advice about your Centrelink problem. We may also be able to:
Legal Aid NSW is separate from Centrelink. Anything you tell us is confidential, unless the law says otherwise.
Anything you tell us is confidential, unless the law says otherwise.
You can call a Legal Aid NSW office to make an appointment with a lawyer. Legal Aid NSW offices that can help you:
Central Sydney: 9219 5790
Campbelltown: 4628 2922
Coffs Harbour: 6651 7899
Dubbo: 6885 4233
Fairfield: 9727 3777
Gosford: 4324 5611
Lismore: 6621 2082
Liverpool: 9601 1200
Newcastle: 4929 5482
Nowra: 4422 4351
Parramatta: 9891 1600
Penrith: 4732 3077
Port Macquarie: 5525 1600
Wagga Wagga: 6921 6588
Wollongong: 4228 8299
You should bring any letters Centrelink has sent you about the decision.
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) provides free interpreters if you do not speak English. TIS can help you talk to us in your language. Call TIS on 131 450.
If you are hearing or speech impaired, you can contact us by calling the National Relay Service (NRS) on 133 677 or TTY 9219 5126.
This publication is intended as a general guide to the law. It should not be relied on as legal advice and it is recommended that you talk to a lawyer about your particular situation.
At the time of printing, the information shown is correct but may be subject to change.
If you need more help, contact LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
Visit the Legal Aid NSW Social Security web page.
February 2015