Legal Aid NSW

How we can help you

What kind of problems can we help you with?

  • Fines, bills and debt
  • Centrelink disputes
  • Discrimination and harassment
  • Your rights at work
  • Eviction, repairs, rent or mortgage difficulties
  • Immigration issues
  • Elder abuse and older peoples’ rights
  • Help after natural disasters

  • Care and protection of children
  • Child support
  • Separation and divorce
  • Parenting orders and grandparents’ rights
  • Domestic and family violence
  • Family dispute resolution conferences
  • Separate representation for children

  • Getting help at court
  • If you’re under 18 and in trouble with the police
  • Applying for bail
  • Hearings in the Local Court to decide if there is enough evidence for your case to go to trial (committals)
  • Defended hearings where there is a possibility of gaol
  • Court sentences and appealing decisions

We offer different types of support depending on your legal problem and circumstances.

Legal help online

Our website’s ‘My problem is about’ section includes information on lots of legal topics and can help you solve a range of different legal problems.

Legal information and referrals 

LawAccess NSW is a free information service run by Legal Aid NSW that provides legal information and referrals for people with a legal problem in NSW.

Start a chat using the web chat function at or call 1300 888 529 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Help from a lawyer 

If you need a lawyer and don’t have enough money to pay, you may be able to get help from one of our Legal Aid NSW lawyers. Our lawyers can support you with criminal matters involving the police, family matters involving children or a relationship breakdown, or civil matters where you are having trouble with a fundamental need like housing, income support or access to health and disability supports.

If you need personalised advice or representation from a lawyer, our team at LawAccess NSW can make an appointment for you with a Legal Aid NSW lawyer if your circumstances and legal issue meet our criteria.

If a Legal Aid NSW lawyer isn’t able to help, we might refer you to another legal service, like a community legal centre or the Aboriginal Legal Service.

Help at court

If you have to go to a local court, you can speak to a duty lawyer. They are available at most local courts in NSW. If this is your first time in court and you want to see a duty lawyer, then you should be at court by 9am. The duty lawyer may not be able to help you finalise your case on the first day. You may need to adjourn your case, which means it will be postponed to another day.

Ongoing help

If you need ongoing legal help from a lawyer, you can apply for a ‘grant of legal aid’. A grant of legal aid means that a lawyer who works for Legal Aid NSW, or a private lawyer who is paid by us, will represent you in your case. A private lawyer can charge you for any work they do that is not covered by a grant of legal aid.

LawAccess NSW can tell you if you are eligible and book an appointment for you to speak with one of our lawyers.

Click on the webchat icon on our website or call 1300 888 529 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

When deciding whether to give you a grant of legal aid, we look at:

  • what you want legal help for
  • what you earn and what you own (this is called the means test), and
  • other factors that show whether it is reasonable to grant legal aid, including how strong your case is (this is called the merit test).

A grant of legal aid is not free. Most people will have to pay a contribution to the legal costs of their case.

Children’s Legal Service and Youth Hotline

We advise and represent children involved in criminal cases. Call (02) 8688 3800. If you are under 18 and need urgent advice, call the Youth Hotline on 1800 101 810. The hotline is open Mon – Thurs 9am –  midnight, Fri – Sun and public holidays, 24 hours.

Child Support Service

We provide free advice and assistance to parents who have to pay financial support for children after separation, as well as to parents and carers who are or should be receiving financial support for children. Call (02) 9633 9916 or 1800 451 784 (outside Sydney metropolitan area).

Civil Law Service for Aboriginal Communities

We can help with money worries, discrimination, problems with the police, housing and Centrelink problems. Call (02) 9219 5057 or freecall 1800 793 017.

Disaster Response Legal Service

We can help people affected by bushfires, storms or floods, with their everyday legal problems. Call 1800 801 529.

Domestic Violence Unit

We are a specialist domestic and family violence service made up of lawyers and social workers. Call 1800 979 529.

Family Law Service for Aboriginal Communities (FamAC)

A service with lawyers, Aboriginal field officers and mental health caseworkers assisting families and children in family law and care and protection. Call (02) 9407 2941.

Mental Health Advocacy Service

Provides free legal advice about mental health and guardianship law. Call 1300 888 529.

Prisoners Legal Service

Free and confidential advice and legal help for prisoners and families of prisoners. Call (02) 9219 5000.

Refugee Service

Helps newly arrived refugees and communities with their legal problems. Call (02) 8713 6725.

Respect at Work Legal Service (RAWLS)

Provides a holistic and trauma-informed legal services for people who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination in the workplace. Call (02) 9072 2333.

Veterans’ Advocacy Service

Assists war veterans, defence force members and their dependents to obtain entitlements. Call (02) 9219 5148.

You can get more information about all our specialist services on our website 

We run free workshops and information sessions for the public, for schools and community groups.

We also run webinars on legal issues for community workers and the public.

For more information about our community legal education services or to request a free workshop visit

We have free publications and other resources to help you with your legal problem.

To view, download or order our free publications visit:

For videos and webinars visit:

For podcasts visit:

To sign up to our newsletters visit:

There are some things that Legal Aid NSW does not do. For example, we don’t advise or represent people at court for personal injury, taxation or business matters. 

We also don’t attend police stations or give you telephone advice if you are arrested. However, if you are under 18 you can call our Youth Hotline: 1800 101 810.

Where can I get more help?

OrganisationInformationContact details
LawAccess NSWProvides free telephone legal information and referrals to other services, including to your nearest Legal Aid NSW office, Community Legal Centres, private lawyers and other organisations that can help.Chat to our team by clicking on 'Chat with us' on the right or by calling 1300 888 529 Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm.

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You can order or download publications from this page. All Legal Aid NSW publications are FREE. If you have any questions regarding your order or require further assistance please email
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