Got a fine?

It’s not going to go away, deal with it straight away

I’ve got a fine. What can I do?

The sooner you do something about a fine the better. Even if you have heaps of fines, or can’t pay in full by the due date, you can still get back on track

There are things you can do to stop recovery action against you.

You can:

  • pay the fine off in small amounts each fortnight (a payment plan)
  • ask for a review of the fine if you don’t think you deserved it
  • nominate another driver if you weren’t the one driving your car at the time or responsible for the offence
  • apply to have the fine written off if you have serious financial, medical, or domestic problems, or
  • clear your fines with a work and development order (WDO).

If you're on a Centrelink payment, like a pension orJobSeeker, you can also:

  • apply to have the payments deducted through Centrepay, or
  • ask for a reduction in the fine amount if you are eligible.

There are three types of fines and different rules for each type of fine.

  • Court fines are given by a judge ormagistrate.
  • Fine notices are given out by authorised officerslike a parking inspector, ranger, transit officer orthe police.
  • Orders for restitution are issued by VictimsServices NSW.

If you don’t pay your fine, Revenue NSW can take recovery action like:

  • ask Transport for NSW to suspend your driver licence or cancel your car registration
  • take money from your bank account or wages
  • refer your debt to a private debt collection agency
  • register an interest on any land or property you may own, or
  • order the sheriff to take away the things you own.

Each action taken may add more to your debt.

Recovery action will stop when you:

  • make a payment plan with Revenue NSW (some conditions apply), or
  • start a work and development order or
  • send a write-off application and Revenue NSW has received it.

If your licence was suspended, don't drive until you are sure the suspension has been lifted.

WDO's let you clear your fines by doing activities like unpaid work, counselling, courses or treatment programs with WDO sponsors. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, see the Legal Aid NSW publication Can’t pay your fines?.

  • Don’t ignore a fine

    Everyone has trouble paying fines. Overdue fines lead to bigger debt and more serious problems.

Where can I get more help?

OrganisationInformationContact details
Civil Law Service for Aboriginal Communities (CLSAC)CLSAC are a service of Legal Aid NSW. CLSAC goes to communities in NSW and can help with money problems like loans, debts, fines, funeral insurance, scams, housing and Centrelink problems.Phone: 1800 793 017 or (02) 9219 5057 
Work and Development Order (WDO) ServiceThe Work and Development Order Service gives free legal advice and help for people withunpaid fines.Phone: 1300 888 529 (LawAccess NSW)
Website: WDO Service
Mob Strong Debt HelpA free nationwide legal advice and financial counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.Phone: 1800 808 488
             1800 793 017
             (02) 9219 5057
Revenue NSW First Nations Team
A culturally safe service to support First Nations Peoples to get back on track with debt.Phone: 1800 002 345
LawAccess NSWFree information servicerun by Legal Aid NSW. They provide legal information and referrals for people with a legal problem in NSW.Chat to our team by clicking on 'Chat with us' on the right or by calling 1300 888 529 Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm (excluding public holidays).
Aboriginal Legal ServiceIf you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander you can also contact the ALS for free legal advice.Phone: 1800 765 767
National Debt HelplineFree legal help and financial counselling.
Phone: 1800 007 007

October 2023

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