Family Violence Law Help (website)

A national website about domestic and family violence, the law and where to get help

It has information about domestic and family violence, the law and where to get help, Australia-wide.

Family Violence Law Help uses illustrations to make the information engaging and easy to understand.

You can download individual factsheets, specific to your legal problem, and the website can be translated into different languages.

The website covers information about domestic and family violence, like – what it is, how it affects children and parenting, myths, elder abuse and safety information.

It also covers how domestic and family violence works with the law in Australia, including:

  • Family law – like arrangements for children after separation, dividing property, injunctions, getting divorced, child support and de facto or spousal maintenance
  • Child protection law – like what happens at court, tips for working with the Department and positive ways parents can work towards getting their children back
  • Domestic violence protection orders – like how they are made, conditions, how they affect arrangements for children and consequences of having an order against you or breaking it
  • Where to get help – a national directory of services that can help with legal advice, emergency housing, money and more
  • Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) – information about each State and Territory FASS

The website has practical tips and also has links to other organisations and existing resources.

The website is helpful for people affected by domestic and family violence, educators and frontline workers.

Family Violence Law Help has an initial pop-up when you enter the site that points out the safety features of the website.

The website has a quick exit button, information about online safety and where to get help with staying safe.

The online safety page includes information about using private browsing, deleting browsing and download histories and tips to increase technology safety.

People affected by domestic and family violence often find themselves travelling between different but intersecting legal jurisdictions. This includes through the family law, child protection and domestic violence protection order systems.

Navigating multiple courts and systems can be overwhelming and confusing. This website is designed as a starting point to give simple, clear information to people affected by domestic and family violence, trying to traverse these different systems.

The website aims to empower people through information and highlights the importance of getting early legal advice. The website is embedded with links that encourage people to contact local services to get help tailored to their situation.

The website also acts as a landing page for each State and Territory Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS), providing a central hub with information about how each service operates across Australia.

Family Violence Law Help was developed by the Domestic Violence Unit of Legal Aid NSW on behalf of National Legal Aid. The project was funded by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

The project was developed with input from each state and territory Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS), as well as survivors of domestic and family violence.

The illustrations on the website are by artist, Frances Cannon.

On average, one woman a week is killed by domestic and family violence.

Approximately one quarter of women in Australia have experienced at least one incident of violence by an intimate partner.

The sad reality is that domestic and family violence is common in Australia and is under-reported. It happens in all parts of society, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual identity, socio-economic status, location, culture or religion.

Where can I get more help?

OrganisationInformationContact details
Family Violence Law Help Website:
Domestic and family violenceTo speak to someone about domestic and family violence, call 1800 RESPECT.Phone: 1800 737 732
PoliceIf you or any other person is in immediate danger – call police on Triple Zero Phone: 000

July 2023

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