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Domestic and family violence – help at court

Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services

About our services

Our service is called Women’s Domestic ViolenceCourt Advocacy Services (WDVCAS).

We support women in NSW whohave experienced domestic andfamily violence.

Domestic and family violence is when someone close to you hurts or scares you.

This could be:

  • a member of your family
  • your partner or ex-partner

This could also be someone who takes care of you.

For example, someone close to you could:

  • touch you in a way you don’t like
  • shout at you or call you names
  • break your things.

Someone close to you could also:

  • hurt your kids or pets
  • keep your money from you
  • stop you from seeing your family and friends
  • not help you the way they are supposed to help you. For example, if they don’t help you eat or go to the toilet.

We can give you information about how to stay safe from domestic and family violence.

This includes helping you get an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO).

An AVO is how the law helps protect you from domestic and family violence.
It also protects your children.

An AVO includes rules that the person who hurt you must follow.
For example, that they must not contact you.

You need to go to court to get an AVO.
Court is a place where a judge or jury help fix legal problems.

We can support you by:

  • explaining what happens at court
  • going to court with you and supporting you in a room where it is safe
  • connecting you with a lawyer– someone who knows and understands the law.

We can also help you talk to:

  • the police
  • your lwayer.

We can connect you to other services, like:

  • housing services
  • financial support
  • doctors.

We can also give you advice about what to do if the person keeps trying to hurt you.

If you are in danger now:

  • call 000
  • ssk for police.

You can call WDVAS on 1800 938 227.

You can call us:

  • Monday to Friday
  • 9 am to 5 pm.
Support to talk to us

If you speak a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).
You can call them on 131 450 (9am - 5pm).
Then ask for the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services.

National Relay Service
If you find it hard to hear or speak, you can contact the National Relay Service (NRS).
You can call them on 133 677.
Then ask for the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services.
You can also visit the Accesshub website.

1800 Respect

1800RESPECT is a service for people who are hurt by someone close to them, such as:

  • their partner or ex-partner
  • someone who takes care of them.

You can call them any time on 1800 737 732.


Link2Home is a service for people who are:

  • homeless
  • at risk of becoming homeless.

 People who are homeless do not have a home. They must find a place to sleep each night.

You can call them any time on 1800 152 152.

LawAccess NSW

LawAccess is a free information service. Legal Aid NSW runs LawAccess.
They can:

  • give legal information
  • connect you to supports in your area – like a lawyer.

You can use their web chat service, or call them on 1300 888 529:

  • from 9am to 5pm
  • Monday to Friday.
People with Disability Australia

People with Disability Australia is a service that speaks up for people with disability.
You can call them on 1800 422 015 from:

  • Monday to Friday 
  • 9 am to 5 pm.
Inner City Legal Centre

Inner City Legal Centre is a service for LGBTIQA+ people.
They support LGBTIQA+ people who are not safe in their relationship.
For example, if your partner:

  • says mean things to you
  • hurts you
  • controls you.

You can call them on 1800 244 481 from:

  • 10am to 12pm
  • 2pm to 4pm
  • Monday to Friday.

October 2023

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