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Do you need legal help with domestic violence?

The Domestic Violence Unit may be able to help you.

We are a specialist domestic violence service. Our lawyers and social workers work together to support people to sort out their legal problems and to improve their safety. We can help you with your legal and non-legal needs.

We can help you if you have experienced domestic violence and have a legal problem.

We can help you even if your ex-partner is getting help from another part of Legal Aid NSW. What you tell us is confidential. We can’t share the information you give us unless you tell us we can.

We can help with problems like:

  • getting an ADVO
  • sorting out arrangements for children
  • sorting out property after separation
  • getting a divorce
  • getting child support
  • sorting out problems with Community Services (FaCS)
  • getting victims support
  • defending an ADVO or criminal charge if you are the victim of violence
  • sorting out other legal problems you have because of domestic violence

Our lawyers and social workers can work with you to: 

  • help you better understand your legal problem and the choices you have
  • represent and support you during your case
  • help you plan for your safety at home and at court
  • talk to the Police or courts for you
  • advocate for you with organisations like the Police, Housing and Victims Services
  • sort out practical problems like getting you Centrelink
  • support you if you have to give evidence
  • support you before, during and after court
  • arrange an interpreter for you
  • if we can’t help solve your legal or non-legal problem, we can connect you to someone who

We provide education about domestic violence for community groups and other professionals.

Where can I get more help?

OrganisationInformationContact details
Legal Aid NSW Domestic Violence UnitWe have services at Sydney, Parramatta, South West Sydney, Wollongong, Central Coast and Newcastle. You can also call us from anywhere.Phone: 1800 979 529
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)If you need an interpreter (9am – 5pm) and ask for LawAccess NSW.Phone: 131 450
National Relay Service (NRS)If you find it hard to hear or speak, ask for LawAccess NSW.Phone: 133 677
Website: www.relayservice.

July 2023

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