Older drivers

Information about senior driving, knowledge and medical tests, suspension or cancellation of an older person's driver licence, and appeals.

  • This topic covers

    • Senior driving, knowledge or medical tests
    • Suspension or cancellation of an older person's driver licence
    • Appeals to the Local Court of NSW

Time limitAction
The day before the suspension or cancellationTo appeal your suspension or cancellation to the Local Court of NSW. 


Local Court of NSWHas the power to decide appeals about the suspension or cancellation of a driver licence by Transport for NSW. ​
Transport for NSW (TfNSW)The driver licensing authority in NSW.


Road Transport (Drivers Licensing) Regulation 2017 (NSW)Establishes the rules for when a person must pass a driving, knowledge or medical tests.

Common term​Definition
Licence cancellationAn order by Transport for NSW or the police that cancels your driver licence.
Licence suspensionAn order by Transport for NSW, the Court or the police banning you from driving for a period of time.
Modified licenceA restricted type of licence sometimes available to older drivers. A modified licence may have certain conditions, for example, a restriction that the licence holder only drive within a certain distance of their home.
Older driverA person aged 75 years or over, who holds a current driver licence.

Local Court of NSWYou have to pay a fee to appeal to the Local Court.
Transport for NSW

You have to pay a fee to renew your driver licence and attempt a driver knowledge or driving test. See Driver and rider licence fees on the NSW Government website.

You may be eligible for a concession or a discount if you are a pensioner, a registered carer, a holder of a Seniors Card, or have a good driving record. See Concessions and discounts for licence-related fees on the NSW Government website.

Local Court of NSWYou must file an Application Notice - Appeal against decision of RMS (Licence Appeal) to appeal a licence suspension or cancellation decision by Transport for NSW to the Local Court.


Legal costsA costs order can be made against you if you are unsuccessful in appealing a licence suspension to the Local Court. Transport for NSW rarely seeks costs in appeals against the suspension of your licence.

Last updated: December 2024