Information about senior driving, knowledge and medical tests, suspension or cancellation of an older person's driver licence, and appeals.
Time limit | Action |
The day before the suspension or cancellation | To appeal your suspension or cancellation to the Local Court of NSW. |
Organisation | Responsibilities |
Local Court of NSW | Has the power to decide appeals about the suspension or cancellation of a driver licence by Transport for NSW. ​ |
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) | The driver licensing authority in NSW. |
Authority | Covers |
Road Transport (Drivers Licensing) Regulation 2017 (NSW) | Establishes the rules for when a person must pass a driving, knowledge or medical tests. |
Common term​ | Definition |
Licence cancellation | An order by Transport for NSW or the police that cancels your driver licence. |
Licence suspension | An order by Transport for NSW, the Court or the police banning you from driving for a period of time. |
Modified licence | A restricted type of licence sometimes available to older drivers. A modified licence may have certain conditions, for example, a restriction that the licence holder only drive within a certain distance of their home. |
Older driver | A person aged 75 years or over, who holds a current driver licence. |
Organisation | Fees |
Local Court of NSW | You have to pay a fee to appeal to the Local Court. |
Transport for NSW | You have to pay a fee to renew your driver licence and attempt a driver knowledge or driving test. See Driver and rider licence fees on the NSW Government website. You may be eligible for a concession or a discount if you are a pensioner, a registered carer, a holder of a Seniors Card, or have a good driving record. See Concessions and discounts for licence-related fees on the NSW Government website. |
Organisation | Forms |
Local Court of NSW | You must file an Application Notice - Appeal against decision of RMS (Licence Appeal) to appeal a licence suspension or cancellation decision by Transport for NSW to the Local Court. |
Types | Costs |
Legal costs | A costs order can be made against you if you are unsuccessful in appealing a licence suspension to the Local Court. Transport for NSW rarely seeks costs in appeals against the suspension of your licence. |
Last updated: December 2024