
Information about support services for people affected by natural disasters.

  • This topic covers

    • Legal issues that arise from severe weather events, such as bushfires, droughts, floods, and storms
    • Resources to help with insurance problems
    • Water restrictions


NSW Police

In an emergency, the police can help if:

  • someone is seriously injured
  • someone is in need of urgent medical help
  • there are threats to property or life
  • if you have witnessed a serious crime or accident.
NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS)

Provides fire and emergency services, including:

  • issuing public warnings about bush fires and bush fire threats
  • carrying out rescue operations
  • preventing, mitigating and suppressing of fires
  • protecting infrastructure and assets from destruction or damage by fire.
NSW State Emergency Service (SES)

In an emergency, the SES can help if:

  • you have experienced damage from storms, wind or fallen trees
  • you require assistance due to a flood or tsunami emergency.


Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)Makes it an offence to deliberately start a bushfire (maximum penalty 21 years imprisonment). 
Rural Fires Act 1997 (NSW)

Gives a fire officer the power to give you a direction to leave or move on from an area. You are legally required to follow the direction. If you don't, you may be charged with a criminal offence.

Makes it an offence to throw on the ground a lit cigarette, match, or any incandescent material. Different penalties apply depending on whether a total fire ban is in force.

State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (NSW)

Gives police powers to:

  • direct people to evacuate or leave premises when there is an emergency
  • refuse access to an area affected by the emergency
  • close roads and footpaths
  • shut off electricity, gas and water supplies.

Common termDefinition
BushfireAn unplanned, uncontrolled fire burning in a forest, woodland, scrub or grassland.
Bushfire prone landLand that can support a bush fire or is prone to bush fire attack. This includes land that may be impacted directly by ember attack and radiant heat, but not fire (a buffer zone).
DroughtA prolonged, abnormally dry period resulting in a water shortage.
FloodAn overflow of water that submerges land that is normally dry.
Natural disasterA major weather event that causes significant damage, such as a bushfire, drought, flood or storm.
StormA powerful disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind, rain, snow, hail, sleet, thunder or lightning.
Total fire ban

A ban on lighting, maintaining or using a fire in the open, or carrying out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, a fire. This includes:

  • general purpose welding, grinding, soldering or gas cutting or any activity that produces a spark or flame
  • barbecues and smokers that burn solid fuel, such as wood, charcoal or heat beads.

Last updated: February 2025

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