
Frequently Asked Questions about the legal issues of prisoners, visiting a prisoner, and the support services for families of prisoners.

  • Key issues

    Key issues

    • Are you on remand? 
    • Are you friends or family of a person in custody?

How can I check if my family member or friend is in prison?

You can find out the location of an inmate by contacting:

  • Sentence Administration Corporate on (02) 8346 1000 between 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. You must confirm your identity and provide the inmate's name and date of birth or name and Master Index Number (MIN).
  • Sentence Admin Corporate:

They will only tell you the location of the inmate.

For more information, see Find an inmate on the Corrective Services NSW website.

How​ can I arrange to visit a prisoner?

For most correctional centres, you will need to book a visit. To book a visit, contact the correctional centre by telephone. 

Contact details for Correctional Centres are on the Corrective Services NSW website.

When you make a booking you will be asked the name of the inmate and the inmate's Master Index Number (MIN).

For your first visit you will be asked to provide identification such as a driver licence.

You should check the local rules of a centre - they may specify what you can and can't take with you.

Visitors can't take wallets, purses or mobile telephones into the visits area.

If you need to take prescription medication, for example an asthma puffer, you will need to complete a form called an Application for Special Medical Consideration which is available from an officer.

Don't take any prohibited items into the complex, including the car park. Penalties may apply if these are found in your possession.

In some circumstances, Corrective Services NSW may provide financial assistance for travel and accommodation or support and professional services. 

For more information, see Family and Community Support on the Corrective Services NSW website.

For further information, see Visit an inmate on the Corrective Services NSW website. There is also a Visits App for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Can I arrange a video visit with a prisoner?

Yes, video visits, which replaced in person visits during COVID-19, are now a permanent option to speaking with a friend or family member in prison. 

The video call might take place within sight of a correctional officer. It may be monitored or recorded.

For more information about video calls with prisoners, see Video calls on the Corrective Services NSW website.

What services are available to families of prisoners?

If you need assistance with transport for children to and from a correctional centre, you can contact Shine for Kids.

Support services are also provided by Community Restorative Centre (CRC), a community organisation in NSW dedicated to supporting prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families and friends.

Friends and family of prisoners can contact the Prisoners Legal Service (PLS) on 02 9066 6046 between 9am and 5pm. However, PLS may be limited in the personal information they can disclose to friends or family of prisoners.

In some circumstances, Corrective Services NSW may provide financial assistance for travel and accommodation or support and professional services.

For more information, see Family and Community Support on the Corrective Services NSW website.

Can I see a lawyer? 

You can speak to your welfare officer and arrange to put your name on a wait list to see a lawyer from Legal Aid.

You could also contact the Prisoners Legal Service. In some circumstances they may also be able to provide you with legal assistance.

For more information, see My rights as a prisoner on the My problem is about section of our website.

How can I make a complaint?

You can make a complaint to the NSW Ombudsman. The details are on your telephone card.

For more information, see How to make a complaint on the NSW Ombudsman website.

If you think your human rights have been breached whilst in prison, you can complain to the Australian Human Rights Commission. 

For more information, see Complaints on the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

For more information, see My rights as a prisoner on the My problem is about section of our website.

Can the prison open my mail?

The Governor or a nominated officer can:

  • open, inspect and read a letter or parcel sent to or by an inmate
  • confiscate a letter or parcel that contains prohibited goods 
  • copy any writing or pictures in a letter or parcel and give the copy to the inmate instead of the original.

Can my calls and video visits be recorded?

Most telephone calls and video visits you have may be monitored or recorded. Some telephone calls and video visits, including those with a lawyer, should not be monitored.

What happens to my fines if I am in gaol?

You can ask for overdue fines to be put on hold while you are in gaol. 

You will need to complete a form and submit it to Revenue NSW.

For a copy of the form, see Inmate Request for Information on the Revenue NSW website. 

You will need to contact Revenue NSW when you are released from prison to respond to your fines.

If you need to, you can also complete the 'Authority to Act' section on the Inmate Request form if you prefer a relative or friend to act on your behalf in matters relating to Revenue NSW.

For more information, see My rights as a prisoner on the My problem is about section of our website.

C​an I change my name whilst I am in gaol?

If you are an inmate, you need permission from the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW to make an application to Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) to change your name. You can't apply directly to BDM, you must apply to the Commissioner first.

You need to complete an applic​ation form and attach relevant identification. You also need to include on the form the reasons why you want to change your name.

You should give your completed application form to either the:

  • Manager, Offender Services and Programs (at your gaol), or
  • Manager of Security, or Transitional Centre Manager.

For a copy of the form, see Applications for approval to change name on the NSW Communities & Justice website. 

If you need assistance with the form, speak to your welfare officer, or contact the Prisoners Legal Service.

C​​​an I get help for my parole hearing?

If you need assistance with applying for parole, or with a meeting or hearing, contact the Prisoners Legal Service.​

Can I app​ly for victims support?

If you are the victim of a violent crime in gaol, you can only apply for victims support if you have special circumstances. Victims support includes an application for financial assistance or for a recognition payment. You should get legal advice about your circumstances. You can speak to the Prisoners Legal Service, or make an appointment to see a Legal Aid lawyer when they next visit your centre.

If you were the victim of a violent crime but the crime was committed outside of gaol, you may be eligible to apply for victims support but it depends on the circumstances of your case. 

For more information, see Victims rights on the My problem is about section of our website.

How can I get access to legislation and cases?

You can ask your Education Officer to make a request to the MRRC Library. 

Where can I get more information about my rights as a prisoner?

For more information, see My rights as a prisoner on the My problem is about section of our website.

Last updated: November 2023