Time limit | Action |
12pm the day before your case is listed | To make a request using the Online Court. |
3pm the day before your case is listed | To respond to another party's request on the Online Court. |
Organisation | Responsibilities |
Online Court | Is currently available in four jurisdictions:
Can be used to:
Authority | Covers |
Electronic Transaction Act 2000 (NSW) Practice Note SC Gen 12 Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) Civil Procedure Act (NSW) Electronic Transactions (ECM Courts) Order, Schedule 1 Electronic Transactions (ECM Courts) Order, Schedule 1 Local Court Practice Note 1 of 2011 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (NSW) Electronic Transactions (ECM Courts) Order, Schedule 1 | Rule and protocols for Online Court |
Common term | Â |
Authorised officer | A person who has authority to use the Online Court on behalf of a large business, company, organisation, government agency, union, bank or council. If you are a sole trader, in a partnership or in a business that is not a proprietary company, you are a Self-Represented Litigant. |
Delegate | A registered user of the Online Registry who is either:
Online Court | If you have registered for the NSW Online Registry, you can use the Online Court to seek directions online rather than appearing in court in person or by telephone. |
NSW Online Registry | You can register to use the NSW Online Registry to:
Request | Making an application using the Online Registry for:
Self-Represented Litigant | If you are not represented by a lawyer, you will need to register for the Online Registry as a Self-Represented Litigant. You are also a Self-Represented Litigant if you are a sole trader, in a partnership or in a business that is not a proprietary company. |
Organisation | Fee |
NSW Courts | Court fees can be paid online using the Online Court. |
Organisation | Forms |
NSW Online Registry | Available Forms |
Last updated: December 2024